Hey buddies!!!
Remember me, Killerbabe?? Yay!! Long time no see, no post I mean. How are you all doing?
Well, I finally got my hands on the computer and decided to update all of you on the recent events in my life! (Exciting huh? j/k)
I'm already in Denver, and I absolutely love it here. I moved in with my boyfriend, we live in this really cute house very close to downtown. First couple weeks we were partying like crazy, and enjoying each other's presence in wild and sporadical encounters behind the closed doors.
But now that school's started we really have no time to party anymore. However, I've met Mike's (my boyfriend's) parents and friends and everything and strangely enough everyone likes me so far.
Oops, gotta go. Talk to ya laters everyone. We should all kick it in the chatroom sometime.