Need advises please...My crush and I have always been getting alone very well. We work together. we chat a lot, make jokes all the time. In the last couple of weeks, I noticed that my crush started to stand in front of me when we were talking (he usually stood next to me before)... He made swallow motion every time when I standing very very close to him (like when I was showing him something on my cell, my long hair brushed his arm close) like his throat is dry or something and his face blushes a bit. He does not do this swallow thing if I stand a bit further away from him. He also laughs a bit when I touch him (like holding his hand up to check time or hugging him) and he didn't react like that before. He stared into my eye when we were talking, put arm around my shoulder sometimes, gave me long/tight hugs and punched my arm very gently. does it sound like he is nervous around me? Maybe he is into me as well, or he knows I am into him and that makes him uncomfortable? I m really confused...