I am seeing this girl and I am confused on what to be doing now. We had our first kiss 2 weeks ago, and I told her I wanted to keep seeing her. We tried to make plans for last week but it was her birthday and she said she had plans with her girlfriends, plus she was working a bit. I do not want to make it look like I am desperate I just really like this girl and she got me on the hook haha. Before last weekend i told her last thursday(last week) I had plans for us to hang out, but she didnt respond to me until the following saturday and saying she was sorry for this but she was working full time and she cant do it this weekend. then I don't respond to it until sunday evening and said " yeah crazy weekend lol"(it was for me) then she asks how was my weekend I respond but its not until the next morning she responds. I gave her a call that morning but no answer and she texts me and says something like sorry she is at work. I didn't text back for a while and then i asked her how was work and she never responded. weird. I went to her work on wednesday because i was in the mall that day and she seemed fairly happy to see me. I told her i just came to say hi and we should hang out soon and she agreed. After that I basically went on. I'm not sure what to do now, I want to try and make plans again or should I wait until she texts me? We have been seeing each other for about 2 months now, it started slow because it was just before exam week so we just saw each other at school we went out once in between that. I keep thinking to myself if I leave her alone she will forget about me or get with someone else. she playing it good lol.