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Thread: Smitten Kitten!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Smitten Kitten!

    PAGirl & Squirt you were with me this weekend, on my way back from Panama City at 11pm - I ended up lost in the backwoods of Northwest Florida and I want you to know that when I felt crabby about the fact I had tacked an extra 30 minutes onto my journey I reminded myself that I was one of the lucky ones, that either of you would love to be a mere 3 hours from your man. It made me a TON more grateful!


    I admit that when I got there I was a bit dehydrated as my AC crapped out and I was sweating a ton. (This leads one to not feel very attractive!) The result of this was a monster headache but I was so happy to be near him that I ignored it for the most part. He took me to his favorite haunts - places where they all know him and where he goes often. He showed me places that he has talked about when he tells me stories. We had a very laid back day Saturday - mostly movie/sports centered and eating too!

    I stayed at the hotel and when he seemed embarrassed/awkward I told him that I had promised myself I wouldn't be a distraction to him so I didn't mind staying at the hotel at all.

    Sunday I got to see him preach and I was really nervous about that. (I found out later that he was nervous about me watching him as well!) I wondered if it would ruin the vision I had of him. However seeing him in his Pastor role actually made me like him MORE. It wasn't him preaching that did it - it was the way he interacts with his congregation. Everyone was clearly crazy about him. Once they found out I was there to see him they were eager to tell me how wonderful he was. We had a wonderful lunch and then spent some quiet time at his house. That afternoon we went for a walk. I left to go home after waiting out a thunderstorm.

    On a completely cute and random note I had sent him an email Friday night telling him how much I appreciate the things he does for me - not just the big things but the little things. I specifically said I liked holding hands with him, and I think Sunday whenever we were together he never missed a chance to take my hand.

    Ladies and Gentlemen - I am a smitten kitten!

    So here's my evil plan - this Wednesday is "potluck" at his church and one of the children at the church invited me. (He is Autistic and very sweet) I am thinking of overnighting a HUGE batch of Chocolate Chip cookies for Peter to share. A good idea or no? Hurry if you say yes I have some baking to do tonight!


    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I know youre home already..but YES BAKE THOSE COOKIES!

    Oh my Im so excited for you...this just makes me even more happy! I am so thrilled you have found someone to date that is worth taking the risk Jules. Funny how you find that person in a different light and you find them more attractive. Like on their turf.

    Jules~I have the biggest smiles on my face for you! So when is the next get together?
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    This weekend I have my parents three bedroom condo on the beach, and he's coming in town. I took Friday off so we could spend some time together alone. (That evening Paul and other friends will be hanging out with us.)

    I like him soooo much and I am so excited!
    Last edited by jslaughter; 24-08-04 at 07:51 PM. Reason: hit post before I meant to

    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

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