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Thread: The Hell House

  1. #1
    Gribble's Avatar
    Gribble is offline Love Gurus
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    All over the damn place.

    The Hell House

    I went ghost hunting Friday night.

    Mostly I went to be with my friends and have a little stupid fun. Partly I wanted to test my convictions in regard to the supernatural.

    The Hell House is an abandoned school in the woods. It was a Catholic school, St. Mary's to be exact, that was forced to close in the early seventies. Myths abound of evil priests hanging students, of ghosts and dead dogs and all sorts of nonsense.

    We sneaked onto the property around 1am. We didn't enter the the ruins due to asbestos and safety hazards, but we poked around in the woods, peered into windows, stuff like that. The spookiest part, if you're the kind to get spooked, was an old, rotting altar atop a hill. It seems to rise out of nothing as you climbl, typically with your flashlight's beam directed downward due to treacherous footing. You reach the summit, lift the beam, and BAM, there's a cross rising from a stone altar like something out of a creepy cult.

    My friends began calling out to the spirits, asking them to please show themselves. Said friends become genuinely unnerved when I dared the spirits and even Satan himself to show themselves. I taunted, I called names. Nada. I tried wandering off on my own, figuring maybe spirits are like predators, preying on those who stray from the pack. Meh.

    I wish I could get psyched about crap like that. I was just up in the woods and it was dark. Nothing particularly scary or memorable about that. Still, it was kinda fun poking around.
    God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    My butthole gets tight when I do that kind of stuff, but it doesn't really scare me. It's a little thrilling and I'm like you - I'd call out the devil and piss on his grave.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Aussie Aussie Aussie
    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    We sneaked onto the property around 1am. We didn't enter the the ruins due to asbestos and safety hazards, but we poked around in the woods, peered into windows, stuff like that. The spookiest part, if you're the kind to get spooked, was an old, rotting altar atop a hill. It seems to rise out of nothing as you climbl, typically with your flashlight's beam directed downward due to treacherous footing. You reach the summit, lift the beam, and BAM, there's a cross rising from a stone altar like something out of a creepy cult.
    Did you take any photos? I find old decaying stuff like that interesting. A few weeks ago I took my gf to this island with all the rusting port architecture from the 20s and for a minute I kinda felt like I was standing there back then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    My friends began calling out to the spirits, asking them to please show themselves.
    I can't believe how many people still believe in that. What makes them so superstitous? I wonder sometimes.
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    God or the Devil
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