Hey all i was just wondering if this is at all possible. I know its near impossible but i was just wondering if anyone has experienced it.

My girl and i recently broke up. We are on good terms. We also work together. We decided we are going to try and be professional at work, not play mind games, or try to get the other one jealous. We're going to try and be friends. We broke up on her terms. she said she just doesnt feel the same way she used to but still likes me as a person and wants to try and be friends. she says she knows we can be.

i was just wondering if it was possible at all, if anyone has ever had this happen to them. where you go from dating to just friends and ever end up together again?

please dont respond to this telling me im stupid for thinking it could happen. i dont. and im not dwelling on it believe me. i was just curious if it has ever happened to anyone. thanks!