I decided to google my alias, and read through a bunch of threads... and wow, I think I have turned to this forum a lot over the past two years......

My first time I came here was as: uncertain777 , where I needed help breaking up with the girl I was with. She stressed me out, the relationship was long-distance, and I got the confidence I needed to leave.

After a few months, I started casually dating people (right now I'm not sure how), and I would every once in a while ask *this* forum for help. I eventually found a girl I liked, and we started an intense relationship very quickly. It lasted a bit over two years, with me occasionally coming back here to ask for help with fights and family... and eventually the relationship got to a point where she stressed me out, as well as our relationship became newly-long-distance, and I got the same confidence to know our time is up.

So for all the times I came to this forum and asked for help, and for alll the times I got great advice, thank you I definitely wanted to make a call out to vashti, lahnabell, Mish, carl (is he still here?), and a few of the other regulars here


Its been a month after I broke up with my ex, and I feel... kind of confused. I can honestly say... I miss being in a relationship. Unfortunately, I got myself a slight crush on a coworker, which I know is wrong on multiple, multiple levels (shes a coworker, I just got out a relatively heavy relationship, I barely know her, don't know if shes single or not, shes a coworker). So I am pretttty sure its a good idea to not entertain the thought of getting close to her, right?

Besides the weird lapse of judgement I am having... I don't know what direction I should deal with in wanting relationships, etc. I have never actually done a one-night stand, I'll be the first to admit I am horny and miss having sex... a lot. I went out drinking with a few coworkers, got very drunk, and was hitting on a lot of girls, and it was fun... but the next day, I am not sure how I felt about randomly hitting on anything that moved. In hindsight, it felt kind of unnatural and not "me".

So, for the tl;dr version:
* Newly broken up
* In a new city, only friends are coworkers
* Unsure what to think about relationship-wise

So for those of you that have been the breaker-upper, ready to move on, how did you go about doing it? Did you wait a while?