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Thread: Could I get your opionion?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Could I get your opionion?

    Ok so I know attention is hard to keep on these kind of posts, so I will keep it short and sweet.

    Met the girl of my dreams (yeah yeah) in class. Finally got aroudn to asking her out about a year after we started talking (we just started talking as friends and homework buddies, etc). Asked her out, she said yes. I am her frist "serious" boyfriend, although she just turned 20. Lasted 3 months until she got cold feet and basically freaked herself out. I gave her her space and a week later (after seeing eachother here and there for class and stuff) she said she couldnt do the break up thing, and told me she still really liked me, and that she still has feelings for me and she cant do "just friends". However, we are not officially "dating", although she does tell me "that we basically are," which is my book is not true, but that is a different story.

    Anyways, her grandfater passes away yesterday, and she tried calling me twice before she left me a text saying waht had happend (I have been working on a friend car all week, so I am not really around my phone). By the time I got back to her and called, she didnt answer. It was only like an hour after she called me, but I am not worried about that. Anyways, here we are on Tuesday, and I haven't hear a single word from her. Last contact was her txting me yesterday morning what had happend. I left her a voicemail that I am here for her if she needs me, and I even left her a little thing I hope made her laugh on facebook (yeah, cheesy I know, but I dunno, maybe it made her smile). That was yesterday. Today she hasnt said anythign or made any attempt to get in touch with me. I know she is going through a lot right now, I am just not sure if I should text her or call, because I want to be here for her, but then again, I dont want her to think that I am freaking out or something, But I am here for her, and I want her to know that.

    any thoughts, on anything?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    im just kinda worried because this is what happened the last time we "went on a break". I know it has nothing to do with me or "us" you know? But it just brings back some panicky feelings because this was what happened before she just came out of the blue and was like "I need a break" the last time. And yes, I know she is goign through a lot and I do not expect anything at all from her, I just kinda feel worried you know? even just a little bit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    are these normal feelings? am I crazy?

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