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Thread: What is she thinking!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    What is she thinking!?

    Ok so I met this girl online, we setup a date and met up about 2 weeks ago.

    The first date was awkward but went well. After texts we agreed to meet again.

    We had about 5 dates where we got to know each other more and more and nearly all of the "bases" we met.

    About 3 days ago, the final base was explored, we both felt the same way and we both explained that it wasn't like us to just jump into bed with the next moving thing and that we agreed that it was going a little fast but we both felt the same toward each other.

    Myself being nervous (as the male) means I couldn't perform, the show couldn't go on! Haha and was probably a combination of nerves and tiredness. She took this as if I wasn't attracted to her (which I am) and she explained that this had never happened before to her. (It's happened to me plenty of times)

    I made sure she "enjoyed" the night without it (if that makes sense) and I assured that it would be fine. I was definitely attracted to her and it was just nerves.

    The thing was it was all planned in her head, after talking to her she explained that she pictured it to be perfect, sexual, erotic etc and it wasn't! Everything else was fine just that the main "contender" didn't show up!

    We both agreed that we would text the next day, but now she's gone all odd and quiet on me and I have no idea what to think or say!

    The last thing I said was making polite conversation yesterday asking how her day has been etc, she said that she was with a friend who was down and was out with them, so I left her to it and told her to text me or something when she's not as busy. That got a "will do..xxx"

    She usually responds straight away as she always has her phone in her hand but she doesn't even look at the message until about an hour later then takes another hour to respond.

    In just trying to figure out what she's thinking. My friends and I class myself as a rare guy as I'm one of the quiet more subdued guys, do anything for a women and tbh a bit soft (the ones that women want but won't have)

    I just hope the performance of Thursday night hasn't messed up any chances.

    Any ideas?


    Sent from my iPhone using my hands.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    How old are you both? It seems like she is a bit inexperienced, or else she would know that it's perfectly normal for a guy to not be able to perform the first time(s) with somebody new. It is a pretty upsetting situation, as a female, to have a non-responsive sexual partner, I can tell you that. In a way, it would have been better if you hadn't "made sure she had fun anyway". It does make us instinctively think that you are not attracted to us, so I can see why she wouldn't want to see you again... she doesn't want to go through that again. Imagine having sex with a woman that never even stirs or moans, at all... I guess that's pretty much how we feel when a guy's "friend" doesn't show up.

    Anyway, most experienced women know that it's normal if it's one of the first times with them, so the fact that she doesn't means she is pretty immature/inexperienced and you are probably better off with someone else anyway.

    I don't think there's anything you can do to change her mind. You already told her that you do find her very attractive and you would like to see her again, and you have also told her that this isn't the first time it happens to you with somebody new. You've told her everything you could... so now it's up to her. If she doesn't contact you within a week, move on.

    If she does contact you and you see each other again, don't even bring it up. Do not talk about it, just act normally as if nothing had happened. The more you obsess over it, the higher the chances that it happens again.
    Last edited by searock; 01-06-14 at 07:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    1.you have to take care of your problem !!!!!
    maybe you should drink some alcohol to relax if you're in the right age
    it might help you

    2.It looks like it's over

    3.I can show you how to meet with her again and make her wanna try again but what if it happens to again ???????

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