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Thread: Someone help me with my "extraordinary-in-a-negative-way" girlfriend...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Someone help me with my "extraordinary-in-a-negative-way" girlfriend...

    My girlfriend and I had been together for more than half a month. I've known her for more than a year already. She's really sweet but something bothers me... Telling the whole story might be long but I guess I'll feel more comfortable if I do so. Sorry if it's long

    Since the time I enrolled, I've seen this pretty girl but found myself trying to ignore her. She was hyper/over-acting, which was what I NEVER liked about girls. But she has this sweetness that makes me want to think before I sleep(we slept on dorms inside our school). I've heard a lot of negative comments about her we call "back stab" and I find myself confirming what they say, even if I feel guilty or something... She's had problems with guys she's been linked to, and I felt pity towards her every time her relationship doesn't work... So I've decided to help her... And agreed to myself that there would be NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS.

    Ever since I tried to "help" her, I've been hearing good comments about her noticeable change. But along with her change was an accidental change on my plan as well. I fell in love with her. >.<

    I thought I would be happy cause' she's happy as well but as time passes by, I'm slowly seeing more problems.

    1. When we have a problem, she has this really high pride. Meaning, I always have to take the first move or it's our friends who will help us talk. She also apologizes if she feels she has to afterwards, but seems to don't know the reason or thinks of a different reason.
    2. She hyperventilates. Forcing me to take action in comforting her even if we are having a "cold war". That means my pride is then again sub-zero.
    3. She noticeably spends time with other boys often. Even if they are my friends, I could feel she's acting naive or whatsoever that it's awkward seeing her with other boys A LOT often.
    4. Even if it's her fault, she acts like I'm the reason for the problem.
    5. She spends time with gays who are STILL BOYS but she hugs them and does some *stuff* with them that I'll only be confident if she was doing it with a TRUE girl.(not actually something worth censoring but...) Man, she's soooooo acting like she doesn't know.

    I don't really want to leave her but her actions force me to think twice... I'm even beginning to lose trust on her. How do I deal with her then?
    Last edited by imnotcrazy; 19-03-11 at 09:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    This girl is playing mind games and you're letting her get away with it. You need to not be so submissive and not put up with her bullsh1t.
    You can either go on as you are, your pride being at zero and losing your dignity, at some point she'll tire of you anyway and move on.
    Or stand up to her, don't put up with it and get your pride back. You may or may not lose her this way, but your head will be kept high.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Yep, she's playing all sorts of abusive games. Frankly, after a mere half a month, I'd move on. It's not going to get better, it's going to get worse.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Well, really, you've been dating her for 2 weeks and you feel like this?

    Yeah dump her, whatever, obviously isn't going to work if you feel about her that way after dating her for a couple of weeks.

    Should be fun!!!

    You've known her for a year, knew what she was like, she had a reputation which you knew about, and you start dating her and now you seem surprise at the way she is?? did you think by dating her she would suddenly change .. for you? in 2 weeks?

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