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Thread: How should I approach this situation?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    How should I approach this situation?

    Hey Guys,

    I posted this in a different forum by mistake...

    So there was this girl in my class, she's been down to my club a couple of times. When I accidentally bumped into her, she overreacted and started to open her mouth and point at me. There was this one time when a friend of mine punched me lightly, and she came up to me and said, 'watcha going to do now?' There was this one time when we were all going to an ice cream social with friends, on our way there, i had nothing better to do, so i decided to walk backwards. A few seconds later, i saw that she was walking backwards! Later at night, we were leaving, and she told me that I had an evil laugh and that I should be in the business world. But I replied, "No, I'm a bio major. Why would you think that?" She then told me, "Oh, maybe you'll do well in the biology business world." (whatever that meant) When everyone was about to leave, I tried to speak with her, and a friend kinda joked around that she's not my type. So I went up to the stairs, she was the only one there, when I got up to the stairs, she told me, "If you run with me, they'll never catch us." So I 'ran' with her to the door, and we had some small talk, and I pushed the button on the automatic door. She then told me that I was lazy. I raised my arms and told her 'I don't care! i am lazy!' and as I rose my arms, she did the same thing. We eventually said farewell to each other. Recently, whenever she notices me, she makes eye contact at me and smiles at me.

    I don't know her that well yet, and I don't know what her intentions are. So I have no idea what should I do...

    From what I heard from people, she's a studious girl. She doesn't really hang out with people in college that much, and just studies in her room. I told her once that i got the same grade as her on the same exam without studying for it, she got really jealous and pissed off at me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Boise, Idaho (huge town USA)
    She likes you, lol, mystery solved.

    As for approaching it...ask her to hang out or go do something man.

    "What you really fear is inside yourself. You fear your own power.
    You fear your own anger, the drive to do great and terrible things."

    The Warmonger

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    personality mirroring is a tell tale sign on interest/attraction. Seems like she is laying it on pretty heavily. No guarantees, but it seems she's into you. like cbrider said, ask her out
    there are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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