I'll try and give the background here in a nutshell. Was together for 12 years, married for 7. Never a fight or cross word. Built a life together, owned a home and businesses. (No kids) One day she sends me an E-card from her office with the Bon Jovi song 'Thank You For Loving Me' attached. I though I was the luckest guy in the world to have such a wonderful wife. Three day's later, out of the blue it was "It's over,' for no apparent reason, except the high-school chickshit ' I love you but I'm not in love with you.'
What could I do? I begged and pleaded to work it out to no avail. I had to accept it, as hard as it was. We sold the house, settled money issues amicabally, shook hands and went our seperate ways. This was 1.5 years ago. We did stay in touch, I started dating again, even had a couple of mini-relationships but nothing to really get excited about.
I choose to move from L.A. after thirty years to Gulf Shores, Alabama. Sounds hick but it's a beachside resort area. Bought a house, finished a two year business project that finally has succesfully come to fruitation (that's she's aware of) and we've kept in touch via email, quite friendy. It seems that the volume of her emails increased when I moved. The emails (on both sides) were becoming a little meloncholy, IE:
Her: 'I still have my moments' or 'I've never been back to our favorite resturant.'
ME: 'I went there twice but left after an hour' or 'I put a swing on the tree in the backyard and thought how much fun it would be to push you in it.'
I felt that the dialouge was getting a bit too heavy (granted it wasn't 'I love you and miss you' on either of our parts but it was easy to read between the lines.) I lighted up on communication. Too much pain and grief to ever consider going back with her.
Then the hurricaine hit and she was in a panic to get ahold of me. My cell phone was out as the towers were down but the voice mail still worked. (She doesn't have my home number) DSL was down too but my ISP still accepted emails. Yesterday she even wrote the web-mistress of my business site (her email is listed there as 'design by...') to have her contact me.
I know exactly what happened. Sunday night she went to see our favorite singer (Robert Plant, the Led Zeppelin guy) in concert at the Greek Theater in Hollywood. We never missed one of his shows and attended other concerts at the very romantic outdoor venue. She was initally attracted to me because I look very much like Plant, it was a running joke throughout all the years, especially when people would ask me for autographs. The memories must have flooded back.
She's a good person with a big heart, just screwed up a bit. For the record, there was never a drug or excessive alcohol problem on either side, and certianly not cheating. I still don't know after all this time what went wrong.
She sent me two emails yesterday, I haven't had the guts to read them yet. I don't want to be cruel and ignore her, but I don't want to open an emotional can of worms on either side. Part of me thinks just write her a brief note saying, 'I'm OK hope you are as well' and the other part of me wants to open up and tell her that I still have feelings. If SHE ever breached the subject of a reconcilation, I don't think I'd go back to her but I WOULD listen.
What would you do in my shoes? What kinda email should I write her? I have to write something today, otherwise I'm being cruel.