So there is this girl I'm head over heels for, I see her twice a week an hour and a half. She used to always smile at me when I smiled, she we partnered once and talked quite a bit. She got up without saying bye though so I was like weird.....She was on the fone and said oh hey to me, Outta shyness I kept walking.

We even once locked eyes as I passed by as people were saying she keeps looking over at me. I said nothing as I passed by and she looked down. I wish I said something

So I finally grew some balls next day and initiated conversation with this girl. Unlike other days when she smiles and says hi and I say hi back. This time I passed by her before class, smiled and said hi. In class I lend her homework cause she wasn't there past 2 days and she smiles and says thank you appreciate it. Then later I see her by the bus and as I walk by she looks at me and then down to text. I get closer and she glances at me and I smile and she smiles back. I cross her path and say see ya Thursday and she responds "hell yeah" is it weird? I thought that was kinda strange.

Now yesterday I saw my crush before class, but i'm an idiot and she passed by and I looked at a guy instead out of shyness and she didn't say a word to me, no hi, nothing. Is this a red flag to just quit? What does it mean? Does she want me to make the first move?

Ever since then she doesn't say hi unless I do. I feel like she isn't into me or wants me to make the 1st move. So be it. Next week I was planning on sitting next to her and partnering up with her, now after class I was going to ask hey do you have 10-15 mins to spare to help me out on the material? I dunno what the odds of her saying no are. If she says yes, I was going to make small talk with her, so after getting help, I was going to say something like
"thank you very much, you're really nice and I appreciate this. By the way I'm sorry if it seems I'm ignoring you, it's just.....can I be honest with you? You make me shy and I'm weird around you for some reason." Is this okay? I would really like your opinion on this and what you think? I really wanna give a clear sign I'm into her. Everyone keeps telling me I'm not doing enough. I'm shy so I used to only say hi when she would, and I even passed her by and she locked eyes with me and looked down after awhile and I kept walking. I should've said something. But now I'm planning doing this whole thing I just mentioned. Please give me your advice. I hate this feeling, I never felt like this before. I miss her and I don't know her. Everytime I see her it's like I been pushed off of a cliff and I'm falling. What an odd feeling. I hate it. I just like her so much. She's so beautiful and I just freeze up when I see her. This isn't like me. Problem is, I'm used to girls talking to me. Now when it matters and I meet someone I genuinely like I have a hard time. Please, anyone let me know your thoughts. I want straight and brutal honesty. What do you think she thinks? I don't know how women think so maybe you can give me advice? Does she not like me? Does she want me to make the first move? I have 4 days until I see her again. And these 4 days might as well be 4 years. They're dragging.