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Thread: How to get rid of her one and for all?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    How to get rid of her one and for all?

    Hello, everybody!

    I'm currently in a quite f****d up situation and I need your advice. I'm 24 yo, having two sex-friends (same age as me), who are probably in love with me, but I don't give pretty much about them, and a friend (19 yo), who I am madly in love with.

    The problem is, I can't get rid of that 19 yo girl. I made a classic mistake to become friend with her (even though she was too young to date when I met her). We hang around quite a lot, go to parties, go on walks, drinks, we get drunk often ... Through the years of hanging with her, I started to like her, but you know how that male-female-friend-things go - I got mixed answers every time. I love her every day more but she frustrates me, makes my self-esteem low, makes me being no man. You bet - she doesn't want me. She is so immature and stupid, so naive and insecure. She knows that I'm not cold about her, she knows how she attracts me, but she keeps rejecting me and on the other hand, sending me mixed signals. Even though I told her not to call me anymore, she comes back as the time goes by. One, two months of nothing, and then she calls again. How am I? It would be nice to hang out with me. And I go. Again and again. Fall back into that circle. Sitting there next to her, wanting to hug, kiss, f**k her like a mad man, when she talks bullshit stuff, but I can't. She sees everything as some game. She plays with my emotions. I'm not the kind of guy to open my heart to a woman that is simply not interested in me, so I don't bother her with my love feelings, but she feels I'm into her, she knows I'll come to her right when she calls. So stupid. I'm furious, I start to hate her, but, again, when the time passes by, I forget all the misery, get back to her and come right back to where I was before. I am rough with her, talking her dirty stuff, offend her, try to show her she's a whore to me that doesn't mean anything, but it looks like it turns her on even more. On one hand I feel like she's stalking me, on the other I feel I am the freak who's stalking her. I often ask myself when she'll become repulsive to me. She makes out with my friends. She makes out with everyone. Everyone thinks she's a whore, but I know her and I know what's inside that childish behavior. Oh, and everyone thinks we're together. Supposedly, we look very good together and we hang out a lot. Do you have any advice for me what to do to get out of this demonic circle once and for all? My sex-buddies don't help. I think about her when making sex with them. I am not interested in other women - none of them satisfies me. Am I really forced to live this hell? I'm turning into a stone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Just block her number/email/facebook. o.O

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Block her out of the blue? Than I'll look like a moody insulted child that has problems with himself. :/

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    She isn't in love with you. If she was there would be no reason for her to not give you two a chance and you didn't mention that she had any circumstances in her life that would stop her from doing that. If she was in love with you, she wouldn't make out with your friends either. I can only think that she likes the attention and the sexual tension. Since all this is affecting you negatively, you really should stop it. It isn't worth it to be put on fire and develop feelings for her but continue to be rejected and getting to the point where you can't connect with other girls. It will take you some time to get completely over her probably but it will happen and you will feel so much better, stronger and free to discover someone else who could really love you and make you happy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Ok, this is going on for so long, I had do something. I deleted her phone number, blocked her on facebook and I'll ignore her completely when she'll try to come in touch with me. Thank you!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    all those things you said about her- how she has low self esteem, insecure, childish etc- take a good look in the mirror coz you described yourself.

    it sounds like your emotionally dead-yout hurting two women coz shes hurting you. vicious circle indeed.
    my advice is to get rid of all 3. focus on healing emotioally. you have a lot of growing and maturing to do if you ever want a healthy relationship with anyone

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Ok, now, please tell me how to heal myself emotionally, if I can't find the right woman for me? I've had two other f**k buddies before these two, and things were always the same. The ones I want, don't want me, the ones that want me, don't seem to be good enough for me. But with her ... everything seems to fit in the right place.

  8. #8
    TLe's Avatar
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    Just dont have any relationship (which also means no f*** buddies) for a while. That is the best way to recover yourself emotionally. Exercise more, keep yourself busy with other activities, new habbits and interests... You will feel better in no time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    just stay away from all women for awhile, focus on what you want in a woman-even get some counselling. learn how to respect yourself and women.

    you wont get the type of girl you really want coz shell see how you treat others and run from you.

  10. #10
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    Jun 2013
    I am an active person. I workout every day, I study at uni, have two dogs, play music and I also love women. I miss the feeling of not having one I really like by my side. I know those sex buddies are just ego boosters, but I also need sex. Women often tell me that I'm attractive and interesting, so I always have some of them around me. But I don't like any, I just want her!! :/

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    'But with her ... everything seems to fit in the right place'. Wrong.

    What one thinks and feels it's not always how things really are and you should start considering that your feelings are misleading you. It happens. She fools around with your friends and everyone according to you and she doesn't feel enough for you to be with you. This is the reality.

  12. #12
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    " you wont get the type of girl you really want coz shell see how you treat others and run from you."

    What is interesting is that more I'm distant, ignorant and treat them like sh*t, the more they come back to me and search my company (including "the loved one"). But when I'm serious about a woman, when I want to open them, I always get the cold shower.

  13. #13
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    Feb 2013
    you dont need sex. thats bull. and if you feel like you really do need it-thats sex addiction. your blackening your own heart and the fact you want such a messed up girl so bad-just shows that you do have issues.

    get some counselling. you obviously have very low self esteem and all your good looks, women, hobbies etc dont boost it-just makes it worse.

    there are much better women in the world but youll never get them. not if you dont change. healthy women dont want a guy who just uses people for sex-theyl never trust you

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by hobby View Post
    " you wont get the type of girl you really want coz shell see how you treat others and run from you."

    What is interesting is that more I'm distant, ignorant and treat them like sh*t, the more they come back to me and search my company (including "the loved one"). But when I'm serious about a woman, when I want to open them, I always get the cold shower.
    the only ones interested in you are the emotionally damaged ones who have issues like you. id run a mile from your type. seriously. im confident, good looking, intelligent, successful, incredibly loyal, high self esteem, independent.. not bragging. jiust trying to prove a point.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Just decide what you want and then do what it takes to get it. You already have figured out what you need to do, now you just need to figure out how to do it. Nobody here can tell you that.

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