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Thread: Am I being over paranoid?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Am I being over paranoid?

    Hi I am a bit stuck what's happening here, an need some advice or wether I'm thinking too much.
    I'll try keep things short rather then an essay!

    I've been with my partner for 7 years now an everything has been fine.
    We're both young an live together and have been completely relaxed in each others company.

    We went on holiday for 2 weeks with her family.
    I noticed she was a bit off with me, kinda gave me the impression I wasn't there.
    One of the days I sat with her on the beech an asked if anything was on her mind, she seemed to think nothing was wrong. Eventually she said tht we don't do anything fun anymore, but it kind of felt like she was making this up as she genually seemed shocked that I asked her if anything was wrong.

    Once we got back I planned a number of things to do, many of them were shot down, I was thinking to myself. How am I ment to plan anything when she's always busy? (She doesn't like suprises much either)

    The following weekend she went away on a long weekend for her moms birthday.
    Her cousin also went who became recently single.

    When she came back on the Monday I was at work. She sent me a text saying she needed space to clear her head or something. She went to her moms spent two hours there was upset then came back saying she was sorry and she didn't know what she was doing. I needed some space too as I was so confused so didn't take her back for a couple of days.

    Since then things haven't been the same, I feel she doesn't show me as much effection
    As before. I spiralled into anxiety about if she still loves me an why she doesn't pay as much attention to me.

    Since then There have been two family occasions where I have gone quiet an to the back. Completely unlike me.

    She says she loves me but I just dnt know. I find it really hard to speak to her as she usually gets angry and she's everything is fine and I'm being over paranoid.

    I just feel like she can't have fun with me anymore.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    No, you're not being paranoid. I'm normally not one to suggest that a partner is cheating....but in this case I will. Could there be someone else on the side?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I agree with basilandthyme. I honestly think given what you've said here, she's cheating. I can't speak for every woman but when I'm in a relationship and in love with someone, I will never ignore them (unless we're temporarily in a little argument). From what I've heard and learned, women are pretty affectionate and emotional beings especially compared to men, and for a woman to be pulling away must mean she is losing interest in you..

    Maybe it is time for you two to part ways. I hate saying this though... I don't know I'm a paranoid person too so maybe you should take my response with a grain of salt haha.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Even if she isn't cheating, she isn't emotionally invested in the relationship anymore. In her mind, it's over already. You should sit her down and have a serious talk about your future. Ask her if she wants to still be with you, if she still feels in love with you, if she can see herself with you in 5 years time. You'll notice if she's lying.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I've been trying to talk to her. Every time she gets really high rate, like over exaggerated!
    She says that there's nothing wrong and she get annoyed everytime I think there's something's wrong when she says its not.

    I dnt know if she's playing on my mind.

    Like tonight when I went to give her a cuddle she pushed me away. But a few mins later she sat up next to me. She then pushed me away again.

    I'm so confused!!!

    So I said to her again. There's something on ur mind. Talk to me. But got high rate again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Then tell her that you think you need some time apart because she's been acting strange and you don't feel secure in the relationship anymore because of her behavior. Tell her to contact you when she figured things out and things can get back to normal or you can end the relationship if that's what she decides.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    She doesn't want to talk but everything she's doing is screaming that it's over. Dump her and cut all contact. She may come back, she may not.

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