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Thread: Naked Pictures..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Naked Pictures..

    My boyfriend and i have been dating for a while and have been living together for the past 3 months. he asked me to move in with him and always expresses to me that he's so happy that i am there and that he pictures me being the one for him to live his life with-- welllllllll this is the problem,

    last night my boyfriend was in the shower and his phone went off, which was right next to me. Him and i are comfortable with each other and sometimes when something like that happens i will, for example, open it and go to the bathroom and tell him
    "so-n-so called/ texted and this is what they said. do you want me to respond for you?"

    well like i said, last night his phone went off, as i was walking to the bathroom to tell him, i opened the message it was a picture of a girls naked back and butt...

    He has mentioned this girl to me once before and told me they hooked up once many years ago when they were drunk at a party. and it was not a good time..if you get my drift...
    as far as i know they have not really kept in touch because the previous text messages that were in his phone from her recently talked about them not speaking in a while.
    well, either way, i freaked out and deleted the picture and didn't tell him anything.

    i know it was wrong of me to do this in general, but naturally im VERY concerned now, how long has this been going on for?
    did he send her pictures before and delete it out of the text message conversation? who would randomly send naked pics of themselves to someone they haven't talked to in a while?

    I have not brought this up to him and i am debating if i should, or wait to see if it happens again because technically, SHE send him the picture. but like i said, how do i know there was not a previous exchange between them that was deleted from the history.
    im afraid he will get angry that i went through his phone and turn the whole situation on me, so im not sure how to approach this issue.

    please help/ advise me on what i should do



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Lafayette, LA
    You just need to talk to him. It doesn't sound good, but was the message from her? It could have been one of his friends sending naked pictures of her. Or maybe she's just a slut who likes to send people naked pictures of herself without warning... If so, he shouldn't even be talking to her. My boyfriend and I don't talk to anyone from the past, except for one person and it's only because we have mutual friends.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    You're going to have to confront him if you want the answer to your question. However, she might have sent him the text by mistake. I've sent numerous texts to the wrong person by accident before and if there were no previous texts before that one then this is possible (either that or he deletes every text he receives off her).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    thanks for your advice, the picture was from her and it was the girl herself because i remember the face from an olllddddddd picture that was on his computer

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    you said in your question ''it was a picture of a girls naked back and butt...'' so im confused how did you recognise her face ?
    A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
    Robert Fripp

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    u could see her face in the mirror cause her face was turned. but she was clearly naked and the pic was of her entire back side

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Ok that clears that up thanks, well if your worried about it then tell him you deleted it in anger and didnt want to ask him while you was angry but he deserves the right to protect himself and give his side, then knowing the full story you can decide but listen to your instincts and think has he given you any other reason to question him has he been secretive before that you know off .Keep calm if you can

    Another thing to think about is if he was expecting or got something like this before would he have left his phone unattended??
    Only if he wants you to find out
    Last edited by Kyrina; 01-09-11 at 12:52 AM. Reason: added info
    A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
    Robert Fripp

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    Why are you afraid to communicate with your boyfriend? Tell him what you saw since you saw it honestly (you weren't snooping) and admit that you deleted it because you were angry. If you don't tell him about it now and that you deleted it, it could come back to haunt you later. Like when you bring it up during a fight in 2 months. Because then he would see it as you not trusting him to do the right things.

    See, you don't know how he would have responded to the text picture. He may have deleted it himself and told her never to do anything like that again. He may have told her to shove off because he is totally in love with you. But you are thinking the worst of him right now (which maybe you have a reason to be, I don't know if you have other reasons to worry about his faithfulness to your relationship).

    Just talk to him. Don't accuse him of anything, but bring it up and see how he responds.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I agree with everyone else. Explain the context of how you ended up seeing the pic and that you deleted it in anger. Tell him you waited a bit to calm down before talking about it with him. See what he says. If your gut is telling you that something is up though chances are there is something going on there. In my opinion, the chances of her sending him the picture by accident are really slim. I would imagine what happened was they got in touch recently and they started flirting and it all went downhill from there.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011
    London, England
    Why did you delete it? You could have texted it to me, for safekeeping.
    -... --- --- -... .. . ...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    You need to go ahead and confront him about it because sluts or not most girls don't go around sending naked pics of themselves to people who are practically strangers. I'm not saying that your bf asked for them but she could be trying to seduce him by sending naked pics which I think you would have the right to know about. Also even if it was just an innocent mistake its human nature to think of the darker side of things so not knowing to causing you to think of your bf in a bad light. Unless you want to risk not trusting him over whats probrably nothing and possibly ruining your relationship you need to ask him just to clear the air.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    thanks to everyone for your responses! I am going to talk to him tonight and hopefully all goes well! I did forget to mention in my initial post that this girl lives in another state. she lives in his home state where he vists twice or so a year.
    Things have been totally wonderful with us and he has been honest (as far as i know) about everything so id like to hope nothing bad is going on behind my back.
    i know they used to exchange pictures several years ago. so i guess if they were rekiindeling their friendship maybe she just thought it would be appropriate. i dont think she knows i exist in his life tho.
    they are not friends on facebook or anything so if they have not talked in a while i dont think she knows he is dating someone.

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