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Thread: I must be mad !

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Midlands, UK

    I must be mad !

    I'm male 38y/o and just met for the first time a lovely divorced woman with 4 kids, i've seen her a few times before but she came to a function with her mate who told me she likes me and at the end of the day after talking to her for a while i didn't ask for her phone number maybe i was unsure but she did seem nervous talking to me. She told her friend later on that she was disappointed that i didn't ask for her number earlier, 5 days later i saw her working in her shop walking past while she glanced out while i looked in, i should have waved but i wish i hadn't even looked as she was about 50ft away at the back of the shop.
    It's beginning to eat away at me that i know where she works but i can't wait until i see her in a pub again, i had actually given up looking for somebody now in life but it's brought me heartache back again that i didn't think i'd ever experience again !

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Philly, PA
    Are you sure you're 38 and not 15?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Hunterforce, yes you missed the opportunity to get her number. Where you waiting for some kind of sign? Forget signs, just do it. Men always get confused on what they think are signs that she is or is not interested. If you wanted her number you should simply approach her, initiate conversation, and ask for it. The only sign you need will be if she gives you her number or doesn't.

    When you do get her number, only use the phone to set up a time and place to meet for an outing. Chatting on the phone to her like you are one of her girlfriends isn't a good idea. The phone is too impersonall and you need to learn more about each other face to face. Good luck!

  4. #4
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    Midlands, UK
    Lloyd, you're right ! i need to grow up on this
    DD, i hope it's not too late but i'd imagine she thinks i'm a bit daft for walking past her shop without waving after she told me where she works and not going in to say anything ?
    I seem to cut myself up inside for some reason and get really moody and depressed because i didn't make a move, it's happened before ffs.

  5. #5
    Tone's Avatar
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    Every post I type I lose it cause when I click post reply it says "ERROR I'M A ****STICK INTERNET AND I LOST IT CAUSE I DON'T REMEMBER WHERE TO GO EVEN THOUGH I'LL GO THERE IF YOU CLICK IT AGAIN"


    Anyways, I'm angry at LF so I'm going to take it out on you, fella:

    What is the damn problem here? You KNOW she wants to give you her number. You KNOW where to find her. GO DO IT ALREADY!! This is WORSE than a 15 year old cause you KNOW she likes you, what is your damn problem??? I can't believe this. You KNOW she wants to give it to you, you want it, yet you won't go do it??

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Philly, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Hunterforce
    Lloyd, you're right !
    Quoted for Shh!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    Hehee - I saw it Lloyd. Hunter, could you please edit that post to reflect the fact that Lloyd is always wrong? If this keeps up, I will have to change my subtitle.

    And yes - you should talk to her,. I would admit you were a bit nervous about contacting her (it will be charming unless you overdo it) so she doesn't think you were trying to avoid her.

  8. #8
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    Midlands, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    What is the damn problem here? You KNOW she wants to give you her number. You KNOW where to find her. GO DO IT ALREADY!! This is WORSE than a 15 year old cause you KNOW she likes you, what is your damn problem??? I can't believe this. You KNOW she wants to give it to you, you want it, yet you won't go do it??
    I must be some ****ed up insecure screwball !
    I'm fearing rejection when rejection's probably not going to happen

  9. #9
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    I'll tell you what this case is a perfect example of gaining confidence in yourself. You know she wants to talk to you. So swallow your rejection hang up and go get her number. The more you put this off, the more your chances will be slim like shh said.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  10. #10
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Damn, I had a good joke to put in one of the threads here I thought of before lunch (when LF.c was being re-re) and now I can't remember it. >;[

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Yep, better hurry up Hunter

    Go go go - Today even! Stop by, make it SHORT, say I'd love to get your number and call you when you arent working, smile nice, keep eye contact, ask her whens the best time to call... then make sure you call at THAT time (shows her your interested, and that you respect her schedule).

    Do it Do it Do it!!

  12. #12
    Tone's Avatar
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    The best thing you can do is not psych yourself out... just tell yourself she's just another human being you're talking to, and you're just interested in getting to know her. Don't let thoughts like "WOW a real life girl... I wonder if she is the one I will marry and have kids... what if I say the right things to her that we will be happy ever after..." - she's just another human being.

  13. #13
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    Are you HOT? (Gawd, now I sound like TONE! blech LOL)

    Seriously - are you? If you're not, pretend you are. Look in the mirror and do the helicopter or whatever it is you guys do LOL. Convince yourself you are the hottest man walking.

    Feeling confident, or good about yourself, will shine through when you go to get her number... and what you think of YOU is what SHE'll think of you. So dont be cocky of course... just happy, confident, and nice. And quick - dont forget quick. You gotta respect the fact that she is at *work*

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by independent
    Are you HOT? (Gawd, now I sound like TONE! blech LOL)

    Seriously - are you? If you're not, pretend you are. Look in the mirror and do the helicopter or whatever it is you guys do LOL. Convince yourself you are the hottest man walking.

    Feeling confident, or good about yourself, will shine through when you go to get her number... and what you think of YOU is what SHE'll think of you. So dont be cocky of course... just happy, confident, and nice. And quick - dont forget quick. You gotta respect the fact that she is at *work*

    What the hell is the "helicopter" independent?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by gHEXjt
    What the hell is the "helicopter" independent?

    would one of you guys care to explain it??

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