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Thread: hello - don't know whats going on...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    hello - don't know whats going on...

    Just before xmas 2009 i transfered from one office site to another with work, i am settling in well and have got to know everyone and all is going just dandy. on Jan 11 2010 we got some temp staff in to help with the after xmas rush - one of these temps took a shine to me [i have been single for 3 years after a dodgy breakup], i didnt have a clue he liked me tbh. He asked me if he could add me as a friend on fb and we started sending messages back and forth - on monday last week he asked me to have lunch with him, i chickened out and made some crap excuse - he has been off work ever since [he has a long term medical thing]. Anyway, he was still messaging me and then we exchanged numbers and started texting, then he rang me on thursday night and asked if we could meet up, i eventually said ok, [this is where it gets a bit embarrassing] we met and kissed and talked for 2hrs then we went a bit further than i would have normally done. Now i feel cheap and tarty and am worried he thinks i am worth nothing but a quick fumble.

    He is texts seem to have all but dried up - we are still in contact but it doesnt feel as 'free' if you know what i mean.

    he should be back in work on monday and i don't know how to play it... do i make out i am not bothered? do i ignore him till he speaks to me? i have no clue.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    i guess that means i give him the silent treatment then.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by tufty View Post
    i guess that means i give him the silent treatment then.
    Calm down. Why not inquire about what he's looking for with you? Did you ever stop to think maybe he has the same questions bouncing around in his head? I'm not sure how FAR you went with him, but he seemed very interested in you right? Maybe the next step would be getting to know him and him you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Ur right i do need to calm down, i hate this dating/not dating, does he like me/does he just want a jump thing.

    Does my head in.

    Yes he did seem interested in me, and i know he has been poorly, so i guess things may have slowed up cos of that.

    I just want to know if a girl let u fumble and fumbled in return would that make u think less of them? He wanted to do a whole lot more than fumble - which i put a stop to by saying 'not yet'.

    I am so not used to the dating scene - just scared i guess, with the added problem of having to work with him too.

    You couldnt really call it a date though could u? We sat around and chatted and got semi-frisky, thats not my idea of a date lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Just be honest with him. I'm assuming you like him back right? Come Monday, talk with him at work and make sure he didn't get any wrong impressions of you, you're not the quick fast in a hurry type. Plan a DATE with him. Let him know you're interested in getting to know him rather than "getting frisky". Trust me, you didn't blow it, he's a guy lol, and I know how us guys think. That is unless he was just looking for a good time in which you never had a chance anyway. It'll be fine, don't worry yourself over it too much.

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