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Thread: Some honesty, please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Some honesty, please.

    Hi LoveForum.

    It has been a month & a half since I've got to know this girl better.

    I had seen her and been with her a couple of times, but it was only until after I invited her to my birthday party that she opened up to me. Before that, she was always silent and distant.

    After a month of dating I told her I was developing feelings for her and asked her if she was feeling something for me. She said "I don't know." and just kissed me (something I wasn't expecting). Now 1 & half week after we began the relationship she tells me that how she feels about me isn't as strong as how I feel about her. That when she's not with me, she still thinks of that boy that invited her to the birthday party (and that she has been used to), but when she's with me she doesn't think nor feel that way and that it confuses her. Also, she has had a traumatic relationship in the past (after almost 3 years, her bf almost died of some brain damage), and that she had to put up a barrier between her and guys in general. She also "confessed" she always found me very hot, clever, mature and with good sense of humor from the first day she was with me (I was very surprised. You don't expect "statues" to notice you're hot or whatever..also, don't know if I should take that into account when we're discussing feelings?).
    She also clearly has a big lack of affection, which leads me into wondering if she's more turned into the "physical" side of the relationship, since she loves physical contact...

    I'm thinking that if I spend more quality time with her she might start to get used to "having me around". Also thinking of "not being available" for a while so that she might start to miss me and reevaluate her feelings about me.

    Some thoughts/advice on this matter are very appreciated!

    Thank you! Primal
    Last edited by Primal; 29-06-12 at 12:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Meant "1 & half" month of relationship.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    She doesnt' know what she wants. I'd keep her at a distance until she can make up her mind.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I've been pondering that. Will try it out once some more time has passed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    keep taking her out, show her a fun time, dont confess anymore feelings for her, stop that, dont shower her in affection and attention, be easy with it.

    on the other hand the girl seems not to know watt she wants, i would have moved on already, this chick is emotionally unstable.. ppffftt

    ''Now 1 & half week after we began the relationship she tells me that how she feels about me isn't as strong as how I feel about her''

    hows is she so sure saying that? seems like she feels that she has you around her fingers, i dont see this working out..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    "hows is she so sure saying that?"

    Precisely! I asked her how could she be so sure about my feelings for her? I mean, I like to be with her and all that but I don't want to give the impression I NEED her badly or something! Also, she's 16 (turning 17 this year) and I'm 20 (already had my b'day). I don't know how important is the role of maturity (at least based on age) on all this, but one thing is for certain. I like her, but I would not hesitate in "putting her in her place" should she ever think she has me around her fingers. She knows guys like me are rare, I doubt she would ever take that kind of approach.
    Do you people think I should be a little more "unavailable" or "distant"? And yes, unfortunately she seems to be a little bit emotionally unstable, something I'd like to help out with. But maybe this is the problem, right? It's that I'm too "willing to help". I've always felt that the relationship was a bit one-sided. That I always take the initiative to do things. Is this normal? That the male has always the responsibility of carrying the relationship on his shoulders?

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