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Thread: advice/help with my ex girlfriend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    advice/help with my ex girlfriend

    My girlfriend and I had a mutual break up last weekend. I realized after, actually later that day how wrong that was. I called her on the verge of crying like a baby and she said the break up did end too quick and easy and said she wished she could be there to give me a hug. I made the mistake of calling her the next day, sobbing and telling her breaking up was a mistake and I really needed her and she wisely asked if I wasn't just missing the comfort of being with her and the change. I saw her at the gym a couple days later and we just talked casual - not about our relationship. A couple days later I emailed her that I had forgotten to give her a receipt for something and would like to drop it off to her - works at the gym. She had some clothes of mine and no doubt seeing I probably looked upset taking it asked if I needed a hug and we kissed too. I gave her a letter in which I expressed my mistakes and that I wanted to try again but also wanted her to do what made her happy. I also gave her a CD with a love song on it. The reason for our breakup was I was becoming negative and insecure and as I found out, it was because I was living in fear, not love. I told her, having realized that and with some counseling from a friend that does counsel couples, I was in a better mental state and the time apart really helped me learn this. I gave her the letter 3 days ago and have heard nothing. I know she had a busy weekend and I didn't call and leaving the ball in her court. Am I on track?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Boise, Idaho (huge town USA)
    You shot yourself in the foot right off the bat by looking desperate. You need to just back away and stay away. If you keep acting desperate and she wont even consider it.

    I'm not a mind reader, so I can't tell you what she is thinking, but I will tell you that normal will get the hell away from needy/clingy people. You need to act okay and normal, even if your burning up inside. Fake it till you make it.

    "What you really fear is inside yourself. You fear your own power.
    You fear your own anger, the drive to do great and terrible things."

    The Warmonger

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