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Thread: bored

  1. #1
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    ne 1 wanna talk about something.Im at work till 5 pm!

  2. #2
    Illusional's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    well i think that you probably already left work haha. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    its monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Illusional
    well i think that you probably already left work haha. raverboy
    Im back ha ha

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    work schmork - i am at work too. i sooo do not want to be here today. I have a heaache thats lasted since friday night, i havent gotten much sleep, and i never really had a chance to enjoy my weekend to its fullest. There was always something going wrong that I had to fix or something i had to do. My weekend lasted for maybe 2 hours last night when i finaly got a chance to go to the batting cages with a friend... then at about 10pm i had to come home so i could get some sleep for work today so i didnt feel like shit (which I do anyways) - but bleh - I am the type of guy that will come to work unless dead. I have 100% attendance here and i did in high school too. I have never missed a single day of school or work ever. The way I see it is, either way you go (home or work) you're still going to feel like shit - and since i am paid hourly I'd might as well get paid for feeling like shit. If i was salary, bet your ass I'd be home sleeping right now.

    I need to get rid of this headache. Not even Excedrine Migraine is knocking this one out. 3 days straight with this migraine. Yeah i dont get headaches, i get migraines...

    I think its the lack ot Coke (not the drug, i am talking about the drink Coca-Cola) and coffee... I am going thru the hardcore withdrawal stage which I hoped wouldn't happen since I drink alot more water.

    Also I have been smoking alot more - I am now at 2-2.5 packs a day. I bought 3 packs friday night (6pm) and i ran out on sunday morning (11am) - So this is also probably a factor in it.

    But BLEH !

    I just want to go puke and get it over with. For some reasons if I force myself to puke my head will go numb for like 30 minutes to a few hours... Then the headache will come back stronger, but at least it will stop for awhile...

    bleh blEH BLEH !!

    ok i am going to go do something else now and stop complaining about crap you all dont really care about.

  5. #5
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    I think its great that you are so dedicated. Migranes suck. I work 7 days a week so weekends dont really feel like weekends to me the days they all run into eacother for me. sometimes it feels like a whole week is one long month, and i go to school but after being on the move 24-7 it feels normal. I do utilize my play hookie days, which are rare. You should go see a dr about your migranes. Have you seen a dr? What do you do ?

  6. #6
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    I hate doctors. I really prefer not to go to one unless i seriously think i am dying. I am a strong cookie. High immune system, so I hardly ever get sick. And these headaches dicipate after a few days usually. This isn't the longest I've gone with a headache before. I was with one for 2 years and almost married her. LMAO ! nah, j/k. the longest headache i ever had prolly lasted 3 weeks. It was a personal experiment for myself. I always like to take my body's limits to the max. I see where the breaking point is, and I see when it will fix itself on its own - whatever the case may be.

    I had a headache and I already knew I had a high immune system, so I decided to see how long it takes my body to fight off a headache (which turned to a migraine first) with no medication at all. Not even a simple Tylanol. 3 weeks is how long it takes me. At least that tiem it did - i am sure this one will fight off sooner - especially since i am popping like 6 Excedrine Migraine's at a time. And no, dont worry, I wont OD on this shit. I know my limit with it also. I can take 12 of them and still be fine. Once i hit that many pills i decided not to try anymore because i really dont see a point in ever taking more than 6 pills at a time. lol.

    I know all kinds of weird limits with my body. I can jump off a 3rd story of a house and not break any bones. Punch a brick wall with so much pressure before my hand breaks. I know how hard it takes to hit the wall to make my skin break and start to bleed. I know how much weed I can smoke before I passout and throw up all over myself. I know how much ecstasy it takes to make me not able to stand up even if holding onto a wall. I know that my body can withstand 115 volts for about 15 seconds before I start to black out. I can stay under water for about 4 minutes before my chest feels like its ripping apart. I know I can fit 36 cans of coke into my stomach in less than an hour before i throw up. I know I can eat 14 hotdogs, and 8 McDonalds apple pies before I throw up. I can keep my eyes open for (so far) a max of roughly 12 hours (i can sleep with my eyes open - and i never loose to a starring contest). I know I can sleep standing up with my eyes open and it just looks like i am zoned out in a daydream. I know the weirdest shit that a normal person wouldnt know. I would go on, but i am getting tired of starring at this screen and am about to go to my other department just to get away from this stupid machine.

    Oh - I work at [url=http://www.reefindustries.com]Reef Industries[/url] doing data entry, outgoing mail, incoming mail, collating, followup, and I am the tradeshow manager. Fun fun stuff. Not really fun, but if I say it enough times my mind begins to think it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    sounds like fun, but you just don't see it. work is dreaded because you have to go regardless of where you work. just look at it this way...if you don't go to work, you're just going to waste the day away anyways...or at least i usually do.
    "Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you
    learn to succeed." "Oh and be careful what you do...you'll never know who's watching..."

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    It is greath tha tI know my own limits, yes this is true. Everyone should know their own limits. But unfortunately, most people dont. But Bleh. I cant change the world over night.

    I dont smoke weed or do 'E', or in what I like to call 'X', anymore. I been sober for going on 6 months and dont plan on ever going back to those days. Just because I know my limits, doesnt mean I still go there.

    I dont go to school. I graduated high school back in 2002. I am loking into getting into school again. Either ITT, or U of H. Things are still up in the air about this issue atm.

    And yes there are many things I want to do. I want to go home and play with my son. I miss him so badly during the days, and lately i get to see less and less of him because i get so damned busy with everything. This weekend is going to definately be a timeout weekend for me and him.

    I also would like to go to Astro World and ride all the roller coasters again. My record is getting all the major coasters ridden 3 times in one day. Maybe one day I will beat that record.

    I also want to go sky diving. Never done it, but damn i just love the way free falling feels. And to do it for 1 to 2 minutes would just be ****ing awsome ! If someone came up to me and said they would pay for ANYTHING i wanted - just 1 thing - and then asked me what I wanted them to pay for, I would say sky diving. **** YEAH !

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by PandaCivic
    sounds like fun, but you just don't see it. work is dreaded because you have to go regardless of where you work. just look at it this way...if you don't go to work, you're just going to waste the day away anyways...or at least i usually do.
    Bleh - I really do love my job - lol. At least here I can keep my mind active with things and not grow retarded in my isolated cell (my room) at home.

  11. #11
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    You have a son, i do too he is seven years old and he is away at summer camp right now and i miss him alot. This weekend i will be working but we will hang out and play, and definately go to the pool. Im in school for surgical technology and i am almost done a few more months to go and idont have to work here anymore and i can actually do something i enjoy, make money, and continue my education.

  12. #12
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    Jan 2004
    i feel ya! sometimes on the weekends it sux butt cuz the people i hang out with work weekends and so i have to kick it during the weekdays with them. i'm left alone on the weekends at home, and if i get too bored, i end up driving home to see family. work makes the day more productive. either that or i just have no friends. and at work i can take care of personal business online too.
    "Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you
    learn to succeed." "Oh and be careful what you do...you'll never know who's watching..."

  13. #13
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    Apr 2004
    I wish I had more friends than I do, but hey, I am glad I have the ones I do have. Usually we will hang out on week nights when I aint busy doing other crap. And on weekends we usually just hang around in my room and we play guitar or whatever. This weekend was a bit different for me tho cause i was constantly having to do something - even if it was for my friend i had to work...

    Friday after work my friend comes over and asks me to fix his PC - so we started working on it and we ended up going thru 8 OS's that night because he was never satisfied or the damn thing just would not work with his system. He ended up crashing at my place that night because it was like 4am and we both just passed out sitting in chairs working on his machine. lol

    Then we woke up at 11 cause his dad comes over and tells him he is buying broadband for him. I got all excited and started talking mumbo jumbo comp talk to them about it and then they both said why dont I do it... I freaked. Well, that day I ended up helping them buy the parts they needed and we went back to their house and then I ended up wiring the whole house for them. They have 4 freaking machines there that i never knew about !! ****ing hell ! lol. well i ended up getting a large stuffed crust pizza and a pizone out of it, so i was happy.

    Then we went back to my house and we finally decided to get Windows ME on his system and then just leave it there. So we started it and then he went home about 10:30pm and i worked on his machine about 15 more minutes then I crashed out on the floor. Then sunday I got up at like noon and got the mower and edger ready to go mow my dad's job's yard. well i got there and mowed about half of it then the damn pull string snapped after I had killed the engine so that I can wipe the sweat from my eyes... yeah - i was pissed. So then I started edging to get that done before i started to work on the mower. Well like 5 minutes from being done with that the damn thing dies on me like it ran out of gas. but there was still 1/4 tank of gas in it. stupid ****ing craftsman equipment ! ARG !

    So I drove home (about 30 miles for the job) to get the tools and worked on the mower for about 2 hours. I finally figired out how to get to the string so I could reach it - then I had to spend about an hour trying to figre out how to get the spring back on after it shot out across the yard..... yeah - fun stuff....

    Then I went back and finished mowing and tried to start the edger again - still it wouldnt start so i said **** it. It was starting to rain and there was lightning all around me striking prolly 1/4 mile from me in all directions like every 2-3 seconds. Yeah - i hate electrical storms. So I left and went home. I only left out like maybe 20-30 feet around the back side of the fence so no one could really notice it wasnt edged unless they looked for it. So it is fine i think.

    So i go home - take a shower - order pizza again cause it was so damn good from the day before. Then I finish nick's machine and fall asleep on the floor for an hour. I then wake up and call him to tell him to come get his crap machine - that i had finished it.

    I get up and go take a shit then my other friend, Gene, comes over and i had to finish my shit time early. We played on the guitars for about 10 minutes then Nick and my brother show up - next thing I know we are all playing guitar and its getting really loud - keep in mind i have a migraine during all of this from Friday night... So i decide to go to the batting cages - Nick and my bro didnt want to go so i told them to get the machine and go home that i am going to the cages even if i go alone - so Gene decides to go with me.

    We were there for about an hour. I saw a cute chick there and she was pretty good a batting. So i started talking to her. We joked around and just talked about nothing really. I never caught her name nor did she mine. But about 30 minutes later I finally figured out that she was 17. in my head I screamed very loudly "JAILBAIT !!!!!!" and told her i was gonna go bat some more - and i never talked to her again. Then about 30 minutes later I found Gene in the arcade side playing some shooting game and i told him we are going.

    He then asks me to take him to his g/f's house. So I did. Then I went home. And its like 9:40pm by then. So I take a shower. Sit in front of my computer and just staired at it for like 5 minutes and said out loud "**** it." and i turned off the monitor (my machine stays on 24/7) and I went to bed.

    So BLAH ! That was my crappy ass weekend. If you want to call it a weekend. :/

  14. #14
    Illusional's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    you're back?? well right now it's about 10pm in hawaii and i'm guessing that you're gone again. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    im back whats up. Hawaii nice!

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