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Thread: Why cant she find a way?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Why cant she find a way?

    Me and my girlfriend broke up after a year. Thing is shes finished college and moving 300 miles home for 2 months and then out of the country. We had an argument a week ago and she felt with her moving away we cant sort it out. In two months we were meant to be moving to another country together and starting a fun life.

    thing is its a week on from the break up now. we still love eachother and miss eachother as I know from telling eachother and telling our friends. its just hard that I love her and want to sort it out and can see a way but she loves me and wants to sort it out but cant see a way. Yes every option is gonna take a little work but I am willingto do it she doesnt see the ability to sort this out being there.

    i have gone over to hers once and tried to convince her and she was like if I could see a way i would but i cant and i still love you and neither of us wanted this to happen. if she didnt want this to happen why is she not willing to work at it? I know for a fact I wasnt a bad guy we just had a few aguments but nothing more than the average couple. Why wont she let me try and fix it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    It sounds like she was using this argument and a reason to end the relationship.

    Seriously, if she was interested in continuing things.. she would. If you've given her logical ways to fix the problem and she's still saying no.. maybe you need to face that she may be done with this relationship.

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