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Thread: Sort of a problem...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Sort of a problem...


    so I know this girl, we go to the same class, and I really like her. I know her for about a year but we got closer to knowing each other like half year ago. I asked her for MSN back then. It went really smooth on MSN but when we saw each other at school I just didn't have anything to say. The problem is still here after half a year. :S I don't know but I don't really have anything to say when I'm with her, guess I'm shy? :S I don't have that kind of problems with other girls... I really like her and already told her that, and she said she also likes me, we also kissed each other few times (on a friendly way), but the problem I stated before really bugs me. Does anyone have any suggestions to get rid of this...?

  2. #2
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    yea, are you a really quiet/introverted person, aswell?

    if so, just be yourself and not talk much. learn to appreciate that you don't say before you think.

    if not, you are probably nervous. spending more time with her, doing stupid things like build puzzles. you don't HAVE to talk that much, y'know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I can talk to any of my other friends without any problems, so I'm not really quiet, though you seem to be right about being nervous. Hey thanks about that puzzles, lol doubt she like that. How about taking her to drink few times?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    dont fully understand what you are asking for:

    if you dont want to like her anymore: cut all contact, avoid her at all times and find another interest, in no time you would have forgotten all about her

    if you do like her: normally going for a couple of drinks is allright, but you sound young and underage, if you are not - make sure you dont get too pissed and make a ****ing asshole of yourself, how to initiate a conversation?? i would say diffferent people have different approaches, but mine is just to ask superficial basic questions (what kind of music are you into - what's your favourite movie etc), females love to talk about themselves, so let her and just nod and look interested, also make your intentions known early on, you dont want to get caught in the ****ing dreaded "friend" zone

  5. #5
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    i wouldn't go out drinking. i would keep it simple. go bowling or something. do something where it's stupid but you'd both have fun.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    you think you have a problem? I have 3 girls that all want my nuts and I can be with only 1 of them. I don't like being emotionally dishonest with people. As you can tell, I'm not much of the 'player' type.

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