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Thread: I messed up? How do I get her & my respect back?

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    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    I messed up? How do I get her & my respect back?

    Hello to all the members on this forum,

    I have been seeing this younger girl (23) for the last year. Things were going extremely well between us until last week when we went away on our 1st vacation. Things got pretty messed up when she got sick, we missed our return flight & she got nailed by customs for not declaring goods.

    She didn't call me for a few days since we came back & I eventually called her to see how she is doing when she gave me major attitude about why did I wait so long to call. Eventually she blew up on me & said she has lost respect for me for not being there for her. I landed up apologizing for anything that I may have did to her that bothered her - like not referring to her as my girlfriend in the past.

    We met up last night because I am about to go away on a business trip this week overseas. She finally opened up & explained a lot of problems that she has with "my selfish ways" & in her personal life of how she needs to move out from her mom's house.

    I have always initiated no contact whenever I felt that she was behaving spoiled. But last night I told her that that I will focus on her & try to help her get situated when I get back. I also told her that I have always be exclusive with her since we got together. Now, I feel she may see me as being needy & she stated that she is going to focus on her instead of me. She used to see me anytime I wanted to before.

    Did I mess up by verbalizing too much? Is it possible to get the relationship back the way it use to be? If so, please let me know how?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated
    Last edited by julez; 07-12-09 at 01:19 AM. Reason: wrong sentence

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