Loooooonggg story short: 2-3 year relationship ended. Her reason was that she didn't have feelings and that they faded. I asked why and what happened. She said "I don't know and it wasn't anything you did"

We're eachothers first love and im 21 shes 24. She went back to school for a nother degree and I started the nursing program in my school.

She did make it clear that it was for the best and she changed the facebook picture, desktop background etc. But she has not deleted any of the pictures, still has my teddy bear on her bed, still has the 12pg note that I wrote to her and the picture I put in it. She said the note was very sweet and the picture and writing was perfect.

I asked "if you somehow magically get your feelings back and wake up for this dream, will you chase me" and She said "i would say so, yes"

I never begged her back, we never argued or cussed at eachother.

She says she misses the nice things I do but it wouldn't be fair if she didn't have the feelings

She keeps saying she's worried bout school and it sucks that she has to go back for a new degree. I always supported her.

I told her that I would give her space blah blah blah no contact. This morning she sends a txt message saying "gmornin and that ty for those txt messages, have a good day"

I didn't text her all day and now she texted me "hey, i'm home"

I'm confused as sh*t as of what to do. I want her back but there's times where she makes seem like she just wanna be over friendly n theres times where she says little things that give me hope.

I said I hope that when I give you space that no other guy would sneak in and replace me. She said no one will sneak in and i feel like i never meet anyone"

I also said "i hope that when you wake up from this dream I'll find you at my door crying saying you miss me and wanna give me a hug and a kiss" then I added "that would be soooo coool and just like a movie" and she said "Siiiiiii" which is yesssssss but in spanish....(She's white and I'm spanish)

When I tried to give her space and didn't text her she was begging for me to respond. Then she texts I miss you and I still care about you. I asked her to define care and she said "I still care if you get home safe, if you have a good day etc."

I told her flat out that I don't think I can be friends with you knowing that I love you this much and that you don't feel the same. She did say "i wish i could reciprocate the feelings" Then I said "if you wish you can, then let the feelings come back naturally and don't force them" She said "idkkkkkkkk"

It's been officially one day without contact and last night I get 3 text messages from her. (I wrote and indirect facebook message to her the night before before i started NC)

She says"
1. Tyy for facebook msg, i hope u had a good day too. im not trying to confuse u. Sent at 19:24
2. I'm just being nice. I understand if u dont want me around tho. N i know u dont want to hear it but idk wat to sayy. Have a g'nite. Sent at 20:50
3. I dont think ure a bad person i know what ure trying to do n im sry i cant give u the answers u want i am i nvr wanted to cause u ne pain. Sent at 20:57
4. Not that i wouldnt b nice or that i want u to not talk to me. Sent at 22:44

(I have not responded to any of these messages.)

This was all after she said sent her msg in the morning that it would be her last txt msg and that i would have to txt next. I did send a message after she said that and that was when i started NC.

In the begining of our relationship (2-3years ago) she went on a trip to Seattle to find a job and on that trip she said she never had feelings for me but it didn't make sense since she took my teddy bear that I gave to her as an x-mas gift. We went 2 months of no contact after that and she comes back saying she wants to give this a try and she gave up that job in Seattle for me.

I need a female's opinion as of what she might be thinking or what or if there's still hope. Please!!!!!!