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Thread: he says he loves another woman, but...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    he says he loves another woman, but...

    Heeeelp!! I have been with my husband for over 3 years. He was recently in prison and was released October 3 this year. We have 2 little daughters and now I am pregnant again with our third child. So a week ago I found out he had asked a few people for another womans number but since all his family and friends are very close to me now, they denies it to him. However, since I got upset I got the.number and gave it to him...as a test. First thing he did was shower, get a haircut and leave. He was gone for nearly 15 hours and when he did arrive home at 5 a.m I was very upset. We only have one cell phone which is mine and he had the courage to contact her with it. That woman knows he is married and with kids and that that is my number yet she let him in. Since she "loves" him apparently that justified it. Since they did have a relationship in the past i.always had my fear of losing him to her and I did. When my husband woke up I asked where he had been nd he was mad....what did I do...if anything I was the one that should be mad. Anyway I figured it out since he had hickeys on his neck, so I got my kids and left. later in the day I went alone to talk to him and he said he wasnt happy with me and that he loved her. Since we dont have a car, his mom allowed me to take her car which is technically ours since she doesnt drive, however he decides I couldnt take it. He got so angry to the point his dad slapped him and he nearly hit back so the cops were called. I was in pain sue to the stress so I left without the car. So finally he calmed down and I went yesterday and he was nice. He cleaned the car so.i could take stand told me when its dirty to take it to.him and that when I have time take it for an entire day so he can.clean the rug. Then in the evening I stopped by since it was thanksgiving dinner and I tried not to crushed he noticed. When i.was im the car to.leave he just kept starring at me but his eyes looked sad. They looked that way earlier when I left as well. I told him I was suffering but it was ok because he was happy and he simply kept starring at me like if he wanted to say something. His look confused me. Why is it that he says he doesnt love me yet when I leave he stares at me for minutes. He even tried playing with me pillow fight. Oh and if its useful, he didnt think id leave after knowing he cheated.Oh and pictures of us together and me alone are still in the room.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    You need to be strong now. Your marriage is over. What hes done is unforgivable. Youve two little kids and pregnant and hes being extremely selfish and cold hearted treating you like a piece of dirt. You dont deserve this and you can do better. Tell him its over, you dont want him back and focus on your kids.

    Your pregnant. You dont need all this stress. Its not good for you or the baby. Is there anywhere you can go now to heal in piece and get over him?

    He sounds awful. Why do you even love this man? In prison, fighting in the street with his own father, having an affair.. hes not a catch. Hes a dog. Move on with your life, have your baby, be a good mum and forget this scumbag. In time youll meet someone better

    I know its hard but you should see this as a lucky escape. This man is no good for you and your better off alone than with this asshole

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    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

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