People tell me if this makes sense to you. I was talking to a girl about relationships, and she was telling me about her definition of making vs having time in a relationship. Her interpretation is this: she makes time for her family and friends. For example, she would make X amount of time out of her schedule to spend time or do something with/for the person she makes time for.
However, for a boyfriend or husband, or children whom she loves, she will always have time for that person, barring a few exceptions. For example, she said that if she has a job and her boyfriend, husband, and children said they want her to call off to talk to them, she would do that, or she would delay studying for a test if that person/persons whom she always have time for. However, she said that she would not always have time for them if its something she can't change: exam, studying for a test (at some point she has to make time for it and it won't change), and anything else she feels is mandatory...
Now my assessment of that is that it doesn't make much sense to me because of several reasons. First of all, this same girl would have a conversation with a boyfriend/husband on the phone and would start to other people while she's talking to him when other people is around, and sometimes he would tell her about tough things he went through/is going through and she would talk to someone else and then start talking to him, so she would just make him wait. That seems like she's not only sharing time with him with other people, but she's always making time for him as well, according to her logic. In addition, philosophically, if she "always have time," then wouldn't wouldn't everything be except that person/persons be mandatory...
What is your assessment of this?
EDIT: My question is that what do you guys think of "making time vs having" do you think there is a difference?