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Thread: Can exes be just friends?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Can exes be just friends?

    So my exgirlfriend (who I contacted, mind you) came to visit me. She dumped me but I contacted her because I wanted to make sure she wasn't making poor decisions. Well she has no plans to come back to the college I'm going to, and even has plans to go to Alaska! Now, I felt incredibly happy when she was here but when I hugged her goodbye and watched her leave I felt as bad as when she dumped me.

    She's probably gonna stop by tomorrow morning. I still feel horrible since she left, and to be honest I haven't been able to listen to The Beatles since she dumped me (6 months ago!!), so is it possible for me to still be her friend? She acted like we were still dating (ie being close and friendly etc._) and kept hinting at sexual things.

    So if we can't be friends, how do I tell her? And if we can, how do I go on? Should I ask her if she wants more?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hi there,
    Well if she's going to Alaska for real, I doubt there would me any good in asking her if she wanted more.
    But it seems you still would like to get with her...
    The problem is: all women like to feel admired and they play a lot, so the hinting towards the sexual might (am afraid) not mean anything. You have been close before so she probably knows that there are no tabus, hence can allow herself to make these jokes without you getting turned on.
    But, (on the good side) women are also extremely weird and emotionally complex and often might not know what they actually want and this might be a case of it.
    She might just not know what you want, hence not knowing herself.

    The solution: ask her! You have nothing to lose. If she's moving away well then that's that anyway and if you're lucky she might surprise you, but keep your hopes down for now!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Exes can remain great friends. Just talk to her, be yourself. Even though you may be headed in separate directions, you guys can still stay in contact.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    To continue the friendship

    You kind of seem like you still like her abit. And if you do want to keep the friendship and keep it going, just treat her like all your other friends that are girls.

    And maybe you could start trying to find another girl. And that should get your mind off of your past relationship with your exgirlfriend.

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