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Thread: A Virgin's Complex Situation I need help please thanks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    A Virgin's Complex Situation I need help please thanks

    Hello all, I need some light shed on a situation that I am going through.

    Okay here is the situation. Well I am 22 years old, I am still a virgin. In one way I feel kind of
    bad, in another way I feel kind of good. I guess I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I
    never really had a relationship with anyone. I realize that I am no longer in my teens and the
    probability of me finding a virgin is low. I do not want the responsibility of passing judgments on
    anyone for it is not my place or my lifelong goal, but I think people throwing away their virtue (I
    think it’s called) is just kind of wrong. I know that I have done wrong in the past and that is why
    I don’t claim to be perfect. Yet, it seems people throw away their virtue just to anyone. Maybe
    their is more to it than I understand. Then again I am not trying to point fingers at anyone. I
    guess it is my raising. So please don’t thank low of me. Through this I have a bother, if u will,
    I really want to be sure to make my other half in every sense especially in the sexual sense.
    I guess my main focus is that if and HOPEFULLY when I find that person she will be happy
    with me. In a way I would for us both to have a first but I am old enough to know that you don’t
    always get what you want and don’t want to settle for just anyone either. I guess I have a fear
    of being compared to another person. I would date somebody who has lost their virginity, but
    there is that fear factor. I know that this is complex but I can not help but to think about it.

    I was kind of wandering if you can, please answer these questions I have. Most importantly give
    me your opinion if nothing else, if you would. Thank you.
    1. Am I wrong in thinking about it? 2. Am I making a big deal out of it? 3. Knowing that I made
    mistakes and done things I am not proud of, should I hold against them or keep on it on my
    mind that I was not the first? 4. Do you think I expect to much? 5. If and hopefully when I find
    that person, should I express how I feel? 6. I know that I sometimes get insecure and the funny
    thing is that I never tried it like I mentioned earlier, I have big fear of failure especially with
    something like this, should I have some fear or nothing at all?

    I know this is a lot but I have to know. Thanks and May God Bless -rawfan1989
    PS: I only aim to please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    polk city fl
    theres nothing wrong with being a virgin and i think ur puting to much on it and it shouldent matter if ur future gurl is and if ur thing bout her compairing u to other ppl then ur not doing it wright lol jk just dont worry bout things like that all that matters is that she is with u then

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    i'm not trying to be mean, but do not call your virginity your "virtue" to a girl you like, it would freak me out if a guy was talking like that. just saying...
    i think that it's not such a big deal- especially since you want to lose your virginity to someone who you really care about, i feel like you shouldn't focus on it until you have actually met that special person. when you are dating someone, i don't think you need to talk about your specific situation of virginity until you guys are getting close to actually having sex.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Why not look into virgin support groups? There are forums out there just for people that consider their virginity to be an important thing. There are groups (usually religiously - often Christian - based) as well that do get togethers and things so virgins can meet other virgins.

    You are not alone in valuing your virginity. Find someone else who is.

    As to your questions, I think you are over thinking it. Not everyone feels as you do. Are you wrong? How is having values wrong? Look in the right places and you will find someone who shares this value with you.

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