My girlfriend is (when we are alone) a very affectionate person. Loves to cuddle, kiss, etc, all the time. However when we are at school with all of my or her friends, she has trouble showing the same affection. All of her and my friends are asking why we aren't affectionate around them. i.e. we don't hold hands, kiss very often, and barely even touch each other. I am a very affectionate person who doesn't mind PDA at all, in fact, I encourage it. But for some reason I just can't get anything out of her. Its like when I'm with my friends and she's around, I'm not her boyfriend anymore. I hate that I can't be loving with her at school without her being a bit awkward. It just makes me feel so stupid. I've told her about this and she says that she feels like if she does anything like hold hands and stuff, she feels like she's ignoring her other friends.