There is a very fine line between showing interest and being needy. So I am trying to get a feel for where that is.
If someone you are new to dosen't call you back... do you call again or just wait for them to make the next move.
There is a very fine line between showing interest and being needy. So I am trying to get a feel for where that is.
If someone you are new to dosen't call you back... do you call again or just wait for them to make the next move.
Your subject says e-mail... your text talks about calling??
I might try again a couple days later, just incase the phone was shut off, or somethin like that. But not more than twice.
Did you leave a message?
Text her.
you contact response. give it 3-4 days...try again. then you're done.
I hate games; be done with her.
You should call her like 100 times in a row or until she answers and then DEMAND to know why she hasn't called you back.
i agree. if you don't have a restraining order against you, that means you're not trying hard enough!!!!!! and don't let the restraining order deter you either...she's just playing hard to get. she wants you. you're money, baby. money.Originally Posted by Junsui
Exactly, funsounds!
LOL you guys are so CUH-RAZY!
Text messaging is a waste of time, if you have the time and energy to push all those little buttons, PUSH THE SEND BUTTON and call them.
My rule for calling.
Call once, ask them out, or leave a message on her machine or voice mail
IF no call back,
Then one more call, say a week latter.
Then if no call back, they are done. Or I should say, I am done, as they are probably not interested in going out with me. Or, if they are playing hard to get, I just trumped their game.
Don't grovel, don't beg, and don't be needy. Then, when she rejects you, you can still respect yourself.
HEY LLOYD, I'm a pilot
I like text messaging with some of my friends. Just cause they talk too DAMN MUCH - sometimes it's nice to get right to the point.
Is that why you only text with me?
HA! No - I don't want to get you in trouble w/ your b/f.
In trouble for what?
Well does he know we're future husband/wife yet?