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Thread: Valid Concern?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Valid Concern?

    I’ve currently been in a 4 month relationship with my guy, we made the relationship sexual 3 months in…so we’ve had sex about 5 times tops since taking the next step with our relationship, mostly because we don’t live in the same city…he is about 3 hours away from me so we see other once a week…tops.

    One of the biggest problems I have is he does not stay after we have sex and it emotionally gets to me sometimes because he’ll leave 15 minutes after we’re done (but sometimes I’m perfectly fine and I don’t feel bad or anything), a big reason he doesn’t stay is because of the distance I believe, and sometimes we do see each other during the week and he has to be back to work the next day and I work a regular 9-5 during the week so I have to be up and out of my house early during the week. Is there a way I can make myself feel any better about this situation, I broached the subject with him and I know it made him feel bad that I was feeling this way and he said that if it made me feel any better we just wouldn’t have sex when he couldn’t stay but I have a feeling if we have that rule sex will probably be far and few between b/c of the physical distance. Also, he's only stayed with me once since our relationship became intimate and that was the night of our first time together.

    Of course I enjoy sex with him and I’m really in the dilemma of not wanting to give that up but at the same time I’m worried the next time he leaves it will trigger something in me that sees him leaving me right after as a bad thing. Is there any way I can make myself feel better about his leaving or anyway to ease my emotions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Purto Rico
    have him sleep over on a weekend.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    I agree that the two of you should make the time to spend together - a weekend, a holiday, a vacation, etc. I understand the stresses of real life like jobs and sleep and stuff. But you don't want to sacrifice your relationship for those things. I think you were right to bring it up to him. But the not having sex unless he stays over is not the best solution, I would say. He should be a little more concerned with how you feel in my mind. But put that aside for a minute and try to work out some time where you two can just relax and spend time together.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

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