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Thread: I'm unhappy, she aint.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    I'm unhappy, she aint.

    Okay, I'll make this quick, everyone seems to be having a good old fashioned whinge in this section so I don't want to bore you with more of the same crap.

    I've been in a relationship for about two years now and to be entirely honest, I can't really think of a time when I've been 100% happy or in love. I'll take you back a bit.

    I meet this girl, she likes me, puts the moves on. She's not too bad and I figure hey beggers can't be choosers. I was 19 at the time and not exactly looking for a relationship. She was (I'm soon to discover this fact). We've been going out since. I never had the intention of asking her out, but my mates kind of egged me on, and she was all for it.

    Alright, it can't hurt. I'm not sure what it is but I really dislike a lot of her personality. She's insecure, RUDE to people she's never met, talks extra loud so people around can hear to show off or make others feel bad which PISSES me off like nothing else.

    Some other annoying things are she is extremely clingy, so every moment is spent with her and I NEED MY MOTHERF**KING space. That's the type of person I am. She thinks I'm pushing her away. This is going to sound uber gay, but she is terrible at dressing herself too. The shops she goes to are fine, her budget is big but she manages to screw everything up. The fact that I even think these things makes me feel so terrible!!!

    Not to mention the fact that I'm really not that attracted to her anymore. There are a heap of pluses to the relationship though, because she is so so soooo nice to me. Buys me things, constantly thinks of me before herself, tries her best to make ME happy. We all know how no one in the world ever does that for anyone unless they truly love them. I know her love for me is so incredibly genuine and strong, that it makes me hurt inside at the idea of breaking it off with her.

    One major thing that's pissing me off, is that I think for the last two years she has faked an intolerance to lactose products. We eat ice cream, cheese, milk, etc ALL the time and she claims it makes her feel sick but I don't believe one little bit of it. Now I know that sounds stupid and insignificant, but if she can convince herself of crap like that, what the hell else is she capable of hiding?

    I love the girl with all my heart but I honestly don't see a future with her.

    BUT...there is one other thing that's been bothering me. I found a message on her phone from a guy off her myspace. Yes, I know, lame. I don't even really use it. Anyway, all the message says is something like 'I think I just saw you before', but the thing is, this guy is a total wanker. What also makes me paranoid is that when I checked her phone again, those messages were gone, but no others where! It's as if she's covering something up.

    I don't know whether or not to confront her about it, or to wait and see what develops. I did however save his number in my own phone and I'm considering messaging him and trying to get some info out of him disguised as someone else. Sounds stupid, I know but I hate jumping to conclusions about stuff like this.

    Anyway, should I just move on? Should I stay with her? Oh I forgot to mention on an intellectual level I feel leaps and bounds ahead of her. Her whole familly is retarded. Seriously they piss the shit out of me. The mum's laugh is enough to send someone to the loony asylum and I can see my gf ending up EXACTLY like her mum when she's older. Which is not a good thing.

    Any help? opinions? am I a materialistic bastard? Ladies care to hate me/share my opinion? Where to go from here?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    it sounds like u dont actually like her u just like what she does for u....u think this is healthy? i think u kno the answer to the question ur asking

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Wow man there is so many negative things you are saying about her in this post. You need to cut this relationship off, seems you never really liked her and like what she does for you because she is so nice. Rid this lady and her looney family already.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    so you don't like her or her family and you're mad that she's talking to some guy on myspace?
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I agree with everyone above me.

    By the way it sounds you feel about her (and the whole relationship), it may be best for you both to end it now.

    The longer the relationship goes, the harder it is (usually) to end it.

    Good Luck!
    [URL="http://www.relationship-buddy.com"]Relationship Dating[/URL]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Don't say you love her with all of your heart.

    The hate and negativity that you're showing towards her and her family definitely shows that you don't love her. You simply love what she does for you.
    I don't chase, I replace.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Guys I have to apologise. I've made me look like an ass, I've made her look terrible, it's not how it really is.

    Okay, her parents aren't the smartest people on the block, but who the hell likes their other half's parent's? her dad has loved me from day one, her mum is hilarious and loves me so much. I think they're awesome people but I can be a bit of a snob sometimes...They're such nice people.

    My girlfriend is actually quite attractive. Let me paint a picture. Fair skin, Long brown hair, size 8, bout 5'5, and a beautiful smile. I'm just a shallow prick. I've even had to defend her off from other guys drueling over her at clubs. I've narrowed it down to one thing and I don't know whether to stick it out, or move on...

    It's her lack of confidence. This is why I feel like a prick. It's not something she can exactly just stand up and change. here's some examples.

    We'd be driving along, probably back from the beach. (I live on the gold coast, in Australia, those who don't live near a beach, look it up the place is the bomb) and she'd see someone and just randomly insult them, obviously deep down she's threatened by people like who she just paid out. Why do I care? I Can't stand intolerant people. Whether they be a racist or just someone who randomly insults others.

    I also have to realise that she is still a little self conscious for reasons I won't say. Don't worry, nothing serious but I don't blame her.

    Okay thanks for all the help guys. I think I just need to get to the bottom of all of it. Which is what I've been doing lately.

    Let me put it this way. Disregard everything I've told you about her. It's almost like a pyramid scheme;

    her insecurity --> her turning into a mean person --> I hate mean people --> Me thinking I don't love her --> me posting on this web site.

    The fact that I can't stand being away from her pretty much sums it up quite well in my mind.

    I LOVE HER TO BITS! She's imperfect, but I'd hate to see what she's say about me!

    any further input is appreciated

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Ever told her that it bothers you?

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