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Thread: Help with getting the girl of my dreams back x

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Help with getting the girl of my dreams back x

    Well its pretty simple really, I found the girl of my dreams, we dated for quite a long time and i lost her through not paying her enough attention or respect. I want to show her how much she means to me and get our lives back on track as a couple. So will you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join my facebook group set up to honour the love of my life?? Ill post a link but if for whateva reason it doesnt work if you search for a group that starts off with the title Graham + Laura a public display...... Im in the manchester network, should you need to add me as a friend but i dont think thats required to join a public group? Join up and if you so desire you could perhaps post something? All the best and many thanks Graham
    Join this group and help me mend something that should never have been broken.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Northern Virginia, United States
    dude...i would move on. even if you two get back together it wouldn't be the same you would feel awkward and she'd take you for granted.

    the time you're using up in trying to get back with this girl, you're losing time finding someone just as good if not better.

    it's romantic i guess to think that a big "love adventure" to get a girl back is all cool and dandy, but i think she isn't a "dreamy girl" if she's having you act like this and losing your self-respect. if she walked out on you, its HER loss not yours. i mean, would you like it if a girl would not leave you alone and said that you two are meant to be together and it was NOT this "laura"? you having no interest in a girl who's following you around with no self-respect is probably the same way she feels towards you.

    im being brutally honest and you can probably save yourself the time and hassle for a girl who doesn't obviously want to be with you, or i guess you can learn the hard way like on the path you're leading right now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I know what youre saying Michael and i appreciate it also, BUT the thing is its not how it seems. We split for the simple reason that i hadnt tried hard enough at several points in our 5 yrs together. There was no infedelity or truly grave issues of any kind, its just i didnt hold a continuous job down which in turn meant that i couldnt take her out, buy her nice things, i didnt have my own place either which meant i encroached on her own space too much - FAR TOO MUCH, considering at that time she was in her final year of a law degree - and all we were doing was living in each others pockets. Ive made mistakes and Im sorry for them i really am, I know ive got so much more to give and that now as i beat my own personal demons, I need to try and make her see that im still the same guy she fell head over heels in love with - AND that now ive got a job, flat, car and a way back to normality - the only thing that completes the picture (and in doing so my happiness, and HERS i truly feel) is getting the love of my life and the girl of my dreams back where she and I could BOTH prosper. And that my friend is with me . If that sounds over-sentimental im sorry, but having been in love before and knowing her as I do, some people in their lives never have that level of connection on every conceivable level, and the thought of never enjoying that again with Laura is enough to make me say that Ive gotta try and if i fail, at least i tried y'know? Moving on would be easier all round if we didnt love each other so much - but she didnt walk out on me for any other reason than I wasnt consistent and i didnt through my own actions or lack of, allow her to enjoy her life to the full. Unless its really truly broken it can be fixed and it isnt - so ive gotta do what i can.
    Creating that facebook group is not a fix-all, i know that im not stupid in that respect. But if it raises even the slightest smile on her face or it demonstrates by the gesture that Im gonna fight for what I love and believe, then its worth every second of public humiliation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    You've got a job. You've got a flat. You've got a car.

    But you have no balls. This Facebook thing is ridiculous. Don't do this! Don't you see, the person she fell in love with was attractive to her five years ago, and showing her that you're still that guy would be the final nail in the coffin?

    No, no, no. Be a man. No woman finds humiliation attractive. Funny, maybe. Compelling? Irresistible? I think not.

    If you want her back, you have to make an effort to offer her something better than this.
    Spammer Spanker

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I agree with Giga, dont do the whole grandure thing of facebook. You need to do something personal. You have to show her youre doing what needs to be done. But also you need to be doing it for yourself first and foremost. When she sees the true effort is for bettering yourself, you will see she will find a whole new respect for you.

    Gawd dont do the Facebook, its too childish at ya'lls age. Its a nice romantic gesture, but not what she needs.

    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  6. #6
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    I think you should set up a shrine for her in your basement w/her photos, a blowup doll w/her face on it, candles & voodoo shit. That will work even better.

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