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Thread: Question for GigaBitch

  1. #1
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    Question for GigaBitch

    What does your signature mean?

    "I think all women really want is to be proven wrong about men. "

    I don't understand girltalk.

    Wrong about what?

  2. #2
    Gribble's Avatar
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    All over the damn place.
    Women are "god's" gift to me. I'm just some hairy, utilitarian man. Sucks to be the girl who gets stuck with me.

    However, look at the female body and tell me that isn't a masterful work of art.
    God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1averagejoe View Post
    They want to be proven wrong that guys don't think they're:

    "God's gift to women"


    I don't understand that knot.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post

    However, look at the female body and tell me that isn't a masterful work of art.
    Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

    Ashley Smith quotes

  5. #5
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    It means: we spend our whole lives being told men are predatory and only want us for sex and what we look like, then it gets proven to us when we start dating. Therefore we would really like some guy to come along and show us that all men out there aren't like the same.

    I'm sure it goes both ways, though.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    It means: we spend our whole lives being told men are predatory and only want us for sex and what we look like, then it gets proven to us when we start dating. Therefore we would really like some guy to come along and show us that all men out there aren't like the same.

    I'm sure it goes both ways, though.

    Well, looking at a lot of relationships, men are predatory. But out of a sense of insecurity.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1averagejoe View Post
    like you? lol

    Nope. I don't prey on women. Just because women hit on me in front of their spouses/boyfriends doesn't mean I go along with it.

    Yeah, it is my fault that women force themselves on me.

    I guess there are so many douchebags out there that when they find Me they lose it.

    Anyway, you sound rather vapid. Sorry.

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    I hope you don't go along with it, that would be very douche-y of you indeed. Also, it would be proving women's overall consensus that men use them.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    I hope you don't go along with it, that would be very douche-y of you indeed. Also, it would be proving women's overall consensus that men use them.
    Of course not.

    However, the very idea that I would have to be tested to prove/disprove that theory is biased, and based upon an emotional idea and by law of attraction would create the very event, thus, a self fulfilling prophesy.

    I wonder if most women out there are screwedup in the head because of their own negative bias?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    It means: we spend our whole lives being told men are predatory and only want us for sex and what we look like, then it gets proven to us when we start dating. Therefore we would really like some guy to come along and show us that all men out there aren't like the same.

    I'm sure it goes both ways, though.
    What a load of crap.

    Women are raised and influenced by other women more so to believe that they're the centre of the universe and worthy of a pedestal. Simultaneously, while this is all transpiring, these women are being told that they're invincible and if not more capable than men.

    So the menu is set for life. In any given scenario, a female may oscillate between strawberry shortcake and a triple bean jalapeno burrito with wassabe on the side, on a dime drop.

    Men don't have menus. They're men. They just are what they are.

    Women want what they want, which is "all", and the ability to refute anyone who says "you can't have it all, take a stand silly child."

    It's manipulation plain and simple and I react strongly to anyone in my day to day who exhibits these egomaniacal feminine tendencies.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    Women are "god's" gift to me. I'm just some hairy, utilitarian man. Sucks to be the girl who gets stuck with me.

    However, look at the female body and tell me that isn't a masterful work of art.
    Any girl who is lucky enough to be "stuck" with you should be grateful. You are a treasure.

  12. #12
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    Gribble says:

    "However, look at the female body and tell me that isn't a masterful work of art."

    with their curves and softer features, the female body is hardly a masterful work of art b/c it wouldn't be that hard for a sculptor to make.

  13. #13
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    MrNiceGuy says:

    "Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams." - Ashley Smith quotes

    haha, the life is full of beauty part reminds me of a paper I wrote in college.

    "On our second day of camping, we went hiking through the woods. As I walked alongside my dad, I took in the sights and sounds of nature all around me. Soon I became immersed in Gaia’s beauty. Before me was a plethora of colors that seemed to encompass the entire electromagnetic spectrum. I was in awe of her majesty. Vivid flowers painted a surreal landscape that not even Leonardo could capture on canvass. I could smell the sweet aroma radiating from them. Busy little bees bustled about as they pollinated these delicate, pretty marvels of nature. I was enchanted by the canorous whistling of the birds from above. As I passed by a tree, I noticed a spider spinning her intricate web. I stopped for a moment to study intently this wonderfully dexterous engineer of the animal world as she practiced her craft. The brilliant green of vegetation that enveloped me resonated the beating heart of Mother Earth. It was a comforting reminder of my much grander home, Earth."

  14. #14
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    There's an very pervasive assumption that guys are all predictable, pathetic morons that can be led around by their dicks and many guys propogate that stereotype and that behavior is rewarded by acceptance and companionship because it meets expectations. Women (seem to me to) want to maintain the (often accurately percieved) ethical highground and when a man is trying hard and succeeding to do what's right it levels the ethical playing field and this makes a competative person upset. I don't NEED sex or companionship and won't put up with such prejudice for it, I'll just consider it a kiserable world. I've written most women off as man haters. Whatever their problem with me, I don't associate with them so they can hate me for not being around to hate. Fickle bullshit. The only thing men can do right, apparently, is kill themselves and get out of the way. I'm paying for the patriarchy of my ancestors. I can't talk to a woman because it labels me as patronizing. I can't have an opinion on a subject with women present otherwise I'm sanctimonious. I can't be attracted to a woman or even exist without being considered a violent pervert. If I have a rough day and I'm irritable it must be becuase I have a small dick and I'm sexually frusutrated.

    If I can't be respected or at least not considered a bad person by default, ****'em. It's not like I'm considered attractive enough anyway. There's no right thing to do because you have to fight such an uphill battle against assumptions, prejudice and jaded opinions.

    Asshole behavior is rewarded with acceptance while I'm criticised from all ends for trying to have respect. I've come to the conclusion that the only way to "respect" women is to be terrified that they'll find some excuse to get you sent to jail or beat up (by some tough guy acting like he gives a shit so he can be a hero) and to avoid them when you can.

    Or you can be a pig, meet the expectations and play the stupid games.

    I don't play these games and prefer celebacy. That way I'm not as noticable and don't recieve as much criticism for just existing.
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  15. #15
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    Guys want to solve problems so they can sit and enjoy a beer.
    Men: Problem, brain activated to solve problem, problem fixed efficiently, brain dump problem. Beer.

    Women want to talk about the problem, eventually get around to solving it *together*, then sit *together* and have a beer and talk about nothing.
    Women: Problem, talk about feelings, get help to solve problem, fix problem together, congratulate self about fixing problem by talking about it, describe the problem solving process step-by-step in real-time over beer.

    All clear now?
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