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Thread: advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    yes my name is jerry and i have been seeing this guy for 6 months named brandon
    we met on a website called plenty of fish and we are a gay interracial couple.idk really when we started talking on the phone but are anniversary is august 1,2010 and we met for the first time in october at a halloween party i through at my house and he said the main thing he was turned onto was the fact that im a virgin,and he said he loved me way early,way earlier than i did with him because with me it hit me one night and i just said i love you,so after the halloween party everything went fine but i asked him brandon are you on any other sights other than facebook and i pried it out of him that he was on one called lifeout and when i looked at his page it had where someone said baby i miss you text me and also where he put your beautiful body to someone and also he put he feels so much better after getting laid last night and when i asked him about it he said he used that story because he wanted to get reviews because he had seen someone else do it and get reviews so he did it because he does love me because he even had on that site he was in a relationship and he didnt have to do that because i didnt even know about the site and he didnt have to tell me so it makes me wonder if he had something to hide why would he have told me about the site to begin with and also he has our pics on facebook and as his profile pic and also he puts on there we are in a relationshop the thing thats makes me worry is he goes to all kinds of friends houses and this one man named john is a older man and he is attracted to brandon,and brandons gonna move in with him and two others a girl and a straight guy and its just for cheaper rent and brandon says i can trust him but this guy kisses brandon on the cheek when they first meet and brandon told me he told him im sure jerry wouldnt like that and also he lied to me one night and said he was at johns when he just didnt wanna talk but idk because he came up here where i was because i live 6 hrs away from him and he loved my family and showed them the card he got me and wrote to me and it was cold up here when he came and he had no heat in his car,so sometimes i think he loves me and other times i think hes cheating

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Your text is real crap and difficult to read, like a multiple line sms written by some retard.
    I'm not gay, so I don't know how this gay things work.
    But if it was a woman than definitly she (he?) will cheat you living with someone else, plenty of fish (sharks?) in the same house to choose from.
    "E ao imenso e possível oceano
    Ensinam estas Quinas, que aqui vês,
    Que o mar com fim será grego ou romano:
    O mar sem fim é português."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    If you don't feel comfortable in this relationship then end it...simple. Since men have a very strong sex drive, gay men are more likely to be more promiscuous, especially if they are on many dating sites. Being gay and finding true love is a very difficult task, especially for someone like you that is vulnerable and inexperienced. I suggest you stay off those sites and join a gay group that supports positive things, like helping the poor or supports gay rights, etc to meet others. Meet those who are passionate about something other than their penis.
    Last edited by smackie9; 10-01-11 at 08:41 AM.

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