I just got told last night a few things my ex had a problem with with me. One was that no matter how shitty he treated me and how frustraited and pissed I got I would never once go off at him. He told a friend of ours that he has been waiting for the day I tell him to f*@# off and die. He was also treating me like crap to get me to break it off with him beings HE was the one who had to break up with me the last 2 times. Sorry but that is immature to me...and he was saying I was immature.
Anyways, so is that true with most men? Would you all rather have a girl that would scream and yell at you rather than sit back and talk things out and think about what to say rather than just saying it and risking hurt feelings?
Cuz I'm a laid back type, I avoid conflict as much as I can. I hate to fight, I have never blown up on anyone besides my mother. I grew up in a family that fought alot and yelling never did anything but upset the other person more and things were thrown and tempers just went through the roof. Therefore, even if Im around anyone yelling or b*tching about something I get stressed. So unless he were to hit me or cheat on me he isn't ever going to get the satisfaction of me cussing him out at all.
I just don't understand why on earth anyone would want thier significant other to be that angry at them and provoke it! Is he just that strange? I know he's stranger than most men out there but I couldn't believe some of the things my friend said he told her.