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Thread: Is it worth trying again with this girl? How?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    New Jersey

    Is it worth trying again with this girl? How?

    There is this girl in one of my classes, we've known each other for about 2 or 3 years, but we don't really 'know' each other if you know what I mean. We've never really met, we just know each other's names and faces, see each other around school (we're both 16), the only reason we know each other at all is just because I added her on Facebook because we had a bunch of mutual friends a few years ago. So, we're not exactly friends, we just kind of know our names and faces.

    Since I saw this girl, I just knew that I really liked her and wanted to be friends with her, maybe a little more than friends. She is very pretty, we have very similar interests, and everything (like hockey for example. We're both big fans of the local NHL team. We both have family members that are police officers in the area, (Her dad is a cop, my brother is a cop). It wasn't until (just looking back at my Facebook message inbox) March of this year where I finally decided to start talking to her. I was just trying my best to make small talk. I said "Hey, you play lacrosse right, how's that going?" just things like that, and every time I just got really short, uninterested sounding replies from her, and even if I kept replying to hers, she would only reply once or twice and then stop.

    Finally in May, I finally decided to ask for her number to try to talk to her more. I didn't really think it was a good idea, just because we don't know each other well, and because she sounded so uninterested, but it's worth a try, right? Well she replied saying something like "Sorry, I can't give my number out" which I know was most likely a lie, just her way of saying no.

    We haven't talked at all since then. I pretty much lost hope with ever getting anywhere with her. I still think about her all of the time. She is quiet and shy like me (which I think is why it's so hard to talk to her). I just think she is so pretty and so cool.

    Like I said, I lost hope. But the other day, (More like a month ago, but you know...) I was wearing a hockey Jersey to school. I got to the class we have in common, I just started going on with my normal thing of getting books out, then her friend that she sits next to her a few rows over came up to me and whispered "((The girl's name)) wanted me to tell you she likes your Jersey" then walked back to her seat. I looked at the girl that just told me that, then over at the girl [that im trying to be with] who told the other girl to say that. She was just looking down at her papers, I said 'Thanks', she glanced at me for a second, then back to her papers.

    That kind of raised my hope a little bit. We went from no contact at all to at least a compliment, and this time it started from her instead of me like it has in the past.

    I just really wanna try again with her, maybe with a better approach of something more personal instead of via Facebook messages. That's the only class I have with her, but I see her alone walking in the hallways all the time.

    Do you guys think I should go for it? I really want to, but I don't know. I don't want to sound like a stalker or like I'm never going to leave her alone or whatever. The biggest problem is that I'm not really friends with her friends and vice versa. She is in sort of the more 'popular' group if you will, that's hanging out with her friends who are hanging out with the football and lacrosse players, and I'm not really in that group. I'm friends with them, but not really close to them.

    But anyway, should I go for it again? You have any suggestions on approaching this or how to go about doing this? Maybe see if I can catch her alone in the hallways one of these times?

    Thank you so much for any help with this everybody. And also thank you if you're still reading up to this point, haha. I understand I can kind of go on and on with certain things as you can see.

  2. #2
    Mathias's Avatar
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    Why not? Just have thick skin if you get rejected.

    All you have to do is say "hey, let's go watch the hockey game at xxx hangout place this week".

    Easy enough. If she says no, you never have to worry about it again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    West Michigan
    You will never know unless you try. She sounds like she used to be uninterested, but now maybe she's had time to think about it, and now she's interested. Ask her out.
    I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
    (Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    New Jersey
    Thanks for the replies. I think I will try again. I think I'll do it right after this class we have in common when she (usually) is walking on her own. How do you think I should go about it though? Just go right ahead and ask her out somewhere, or should I sorta talk to her for a few days first? Just making the small talk at first might also be able to help gauge her current interest level. I don't know, as you can see, I'm clearly not good with this sort of stuff haha. What do you think?

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