So this is one of my first posts and I hope that I make some sort of sense bc I want to just give a quick and dirty version of this but I don't know if that will work...I suppose I should preface all of this with the fact I am not the jealous type, don't wanna be clingy, don't need someone to check in, and this is often seen as me being standoffish and uncaring--I need to work on this.
I met this guy a little more than 2 years ago, we met through mutual friends and it was love, lust whatever you want to call it at first sight, next thing you know we were in a long distance dating thing. This went really well for about 6 months, but then the bottom started to fall out and it just wasn't working. I work insane hours and travel a ton for work, he is crazy as far as work goes and also has some insecurity issues going on. The way he and I dealt with ending it was by ignoring each other, mind you this was a terrible idea and seriously screwed with my head, but what's happened has happened.
We then didn't talk for about a year and out of the blue I get a call from him, we somehow stumble into dating again, my work situation has not changed but his has slowed down a bit and as he puts it he thinks we have both "learned from our past mistakes." Everything is going really well, but a month or so ago he starts asking me why I would ever want to date him and on and on, and then a family member becomes ill and it all seemed to be very stressful for him. I decided to give him his space to deal with it all, thinking it would be all good bc I am getting slammed at work and he shuts down often (two very private people in a relationship is not a good idea). I text him every once in awhile and he responds, but then it really dwindles. After a month or so of this I am stupid and go out with friends have way too much to drink and decide to text him that I should never have started talking to him again and that he and I both know where this is going.
Of course the next day I am embarassed and don't know why I lashed out like this, but I do know it is because I care about him and don't want to make the same mistakes twice. I guess I just wanna know what you guys think, bc I know what I said was hurtful, but we have both (once or twice) said things we regret, can he and I save this?
Thanks for any advice, I know I am contradicting myself but this has been driving me crazy all day and I really can't think straight