Even more importantly, how often do you show your significant other that you love him or her? Do you have a strong relationship with your significant other? Do you want one?

I think sometimes we wish for a relationship that is if not perfect, close to it. There is always that one couple that we want to leave up to. As females we may wonder, why can't I find a man like that? As males I'm guessing you think, I wish my girl would do that for me? Do you believe it's possible for all of us to have this in your relationships? I definitely do. I think we can all harvest our relationships, we can develop ourselves and our significant others with all of our imperfections, and attain perfection.

I've seen how to do this in action. I've done a favor for someone, giving a ride someplace, picking up the kids from school, and when I need a favor I don't even have to ask. The friend I've helped is eager to repay me ten times over for helping them when they were really down and doing a simple little deed was an invaluable act of friendship to them. Something they desperately needed.

I believe in relationships in order to flourish we need to abide by the same principles. If we want the perfect girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, or wife, we need to be the initiator. We can wait for them to take action, make the first move. Maybe it's their turn to do so. However, we are the one's on this forum trying to become aware of how to make life better. We are conscious of our relationships, problems, we see where improvement needs to be. We are the ones who want change, so we have to take the first steps.

Some general advice for everyone: do the little things. Wake up early and cook breakfast for your SO, randomly iron clothes if you see they are in a hurry, give a backrub with no expectation of anything in return. Females, watch him beat the last level of his favorite video game. Guys tell me if I'm wrong, but this will really give the guy a boost and make him think he's got a great girl. He will want to repay you in the relationship. Men, random send your girl flowers at work, or pick some and put them on her kitchen table.

I believe if we do these things for each other on a regular basis, heck even one sweet act a week, our relationships will blossom. What do you all think?