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Thread: He doesn't know.... should i tell him? Please!!!!????

  1. #1
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    Feb 2005

    He doesn't know.... should i tell him? Please!!!!????

    Ok there is this guy. We've had a rather "complicated" relationship. Ok, a couple months ago, in feb or so, he liked me apparantly. But i didn't it know it. I was hooked on this other guy who turned out to be... well not for me. Anyway, i had no idea. Well in like march one of his friends whos my friend whos a girl told me that he was going to ask me to prom but that she told them i was already going with my bf. Well my bf and i didn't last. In fact, he even decided to take someone else to prom so i was completely dateless. Anyway, when i found out that that guy liked me i was completely siked (sp?)! I mean he's totally sweet and we've always sorta been friends, we talked every once in a while. Well, anyway, the next month, our school went on this europe trip and he and i went. And i decided that that was my opportunity. So i hung out with him a lot and i really got to know him well. We talked a lot and about tons of things. Well i heard this rumor on the trip that he liked this girl who's his friend (lets say her name is Sally). Well, i was of course crushed. But i had to hear it from him. So i asked him and he was really shy about it and was like no i shes just a really good friend. so i was like well ok. But since i was still hearing that from other people, i just forced myself to stop liking him. I started hanging out with my ex bf who i'm still friends with (the guy who dumped me for prom no less). So then i heard that he told her that he liked her and she told him she didn't like him. So i was like whatever, and i just figured he didn't like me anymore. So we get back to school and we still hang out and talk and stuff. Well, we had prom last night. At prom, he brought his friend from an old school. Anyway, on the very last slow dance before he left he actually came and found me and asked me to dance. he held my hand as we walked to the dance floor. So we talked while we danced. He said that i looked really pretty tonight. And i told him he looked great too. I finally got the nerve to say Your date is really nice. He said yeah we're JUST (he emphasized this word) really good friends. Anyway, what i'm saying is that i'm sooooo confused. I don't know if he still likes me or he likes me just as a friend. Should i make a move? The thing about him is that everything just clicks. It feels right. We can talk just casually. But i just don't know what to do. And it hurts so much. Help!!!????? ANY advice or comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    That sucks. Did the relation between you two get any better since you've written this?

  3. #3
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    hope is a fickle friend....but it feels so good.

    if u feel that he is the one for u .... try to find out whether he likes u or not through some mutual friends if possible....

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  4. #4
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    Things are pretty much the same i guess. I mean we're good friends but i want more you know? I just can't help feeling he's special and that i have this connection. I don't know what i'm going to do. I'm afraid to tell him how i feel cause if he doesn't feel for me then that would ruin our relationship. HELP!!!!!

  5. #5
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    there's this book, and it says one simple phrase "he's just not into you."

    if he likes you as much as you think he does, he probably would have already made the move, even if he's shy.
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  6. #6
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    i didn't say he did, i just said he used to and thats not necesarilly true that he doesn't cause a lot of guys won't make a move if they're shy, i know because its happened before and they had to have a little push. but whatever.

  7. #7
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    ah, and in that same book, i was right. it also says how this girl met this guy and he didn't call and she thought he wasn't into her BUT he was just shy. that could totally be not the case for me but i don't know... I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!!!

  8. #8
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    I'm going to say this about the book "Hes Just Not That Into You"...

    Its a great book I loved it to death!

    yes there is a but

    When you finish the book and close the book, and after youve had your "I'm a stronger woman now because of this book" rush...

    You start to realize just how non-realistic it really is. There ARE shy people in this world...that doesnt mean hes not into you. There are people who cant call 24/7... that doesnt mean hes not into you.

    That book is begging for the perfect man for a woman, and there is no such thing as a perfect person. The book needs a reality check.

    Dont get me wrong, there were lots of things in it that I agreed with and I really got a kick out of that woman that kept writing the author... what was her name lol... she was nuts. Anyway but nah I think that book is so far from reality its not even funny.

    This is coming from a girl who knows her boundaries, is with a wonderful man right now, and wont take no crap from no one
    Last edited by ALovelyLady86; 10-05-05 at 08:30 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Do you guys think i should let him know (i should tell him or give hints or get my friends to subtly ask him or something) about how i feel or should i just wait and see first? Thanks for all the help so far too! Especially you alovelylady86!

  10. #10
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    I think the best thing you can do is take it VERY slowly. Tell him genuinely how you feel, and then give him a chance to be honest with you too. But remember if at any time you feel hes saying something to just blow smoke up your butt... dont go for it..
    In high school there are so many people to chose from, not to mention the people he may know from other high schools, that love can be hard to deal with and find. There are so many temptations. I didnt date until I was out of high school... by choice. I didnt want anything to do with it.
    If I were you.. and I were in this exact situation... I wouldnt be in this situation.I would have just said oh well and moved on a long time ago. Youll know when someone is into you. He will tell you or throw hints or something.
    You know in your mind whats going on. Your concience(sp?) tells you. Follow that.

  11. #11
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    I could never tell the girl of my dreams how I felt in high school. I was afraid to talk to her. She started dating after a while (probably got sick of waiting). I think she is over me now and I am still stuck on her..that sucks so bad on so many levels . Yea, you should do something.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins
    I could never tell the girl of my dreams how I felt in high school. I was afraid to talk to her. She started dating after a while (probably got sick of waiting). I think she is over me now and I am still stuck on her..that sucks so bad on so many levels . Yea, you should do something.
    Damn OV.

    This whole time I thought you were as apathetic as I was.

  13. #13
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    He's not pathetic...

    Actually if you want to be like that... everyone in high school is pathetic lol

  14. #14
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALovelyLady86
    He's not pathetic...

    Actually if you want to be like that... everyone in high school is pathetic lol

    1. Feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern; indifferent.
    2. Feeling or showing little or no emotion; unresponsive.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    Damn OV.

    This whole time I thought you were as apathetic as I was.
    Sorry. I bet you care sometimes too, you just dont show it cause you think that acting like an ass makes you really cool or some garbage like that. My emotions come and go.

    Quote Originally Posted by ALovelyLady86
    everyone in high school is pathetic lol
    I agree with this hehe. I am sure that there are a few exceptions. I actually like who I was in highschool..I just do not like the fact on how much it bothered me on what other people thought of me. I guess when your young you care about stuff like that.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

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