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Thread: Thank you for your help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Thank you for your help

    Hello Everyone. Thank you in advance for your help. I am a 25 year old girl living in a large city in Cali. Last Saturday (a little over a week ago) I met this guy at a bar, and he also happened to be friends with one of my friends. We talked for a while and he was really great- just very sweet and funny. We ended up kissing a little bit at the bar, and then he came back and slept over (we did not have sex though). The next morning he kissed me and left. Later that night he texted me to see how my day was, and then a few days later on Tues. I sent him a text just to say hi. But I have not heard from him since, and it is almost Monday.

    I am really upset. I cannot figure it out because I genuinely thought that I had a connection with this guy. In addition, if he was not interested then why did he have to text me at all the next day?

    Please help me, I really would love to see this guy again. Any advice on the situation would be very helpful. Why did he do what he did, and what should I do on my end?

    Thank you again, I am just upset about this and my friends have run out of advice.
    Last edited by radelman02; 25-10-10 at 11:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Although it may be hard, perhaps you should either call him or send him a text and ask him if he is interested in starting a relationship or seeing you again. This may be frightening and hard to do, because you very well could get an answer you won't like, but at least your mind would be at ease then.

    Just to offer a little bit of advice and safety (because I am a male in that age group): I would not recommend having someone you just met sleep over. Too often, as I am sure you are well aware...us men usually have certain THINGS on our minds. Just be careful and be safe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I wouldn't ask him if he wants to start a relationship saying as you've barely had any interaction with this guy and met him a little over a week ago, but I would tell him that you had a great time with him and ask if he would like to see you again. Maybe he has a demanding job or some family issues that are keeping him from contacting you, or maybe he's met someone else, or gotten back together with an ex or something.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Eh, well if he duznt have any problems that came up all of a sudden, like cohengirl said. Maybe, he likes to be chased and like to make girls wonder? Ya, head games. lol Nway, Just text him again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    That's kinda weird . . . so what to do? You could wait around and hope that he calls OR you could call him and figure out if he's still interested
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