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Thread: What do women think about fat men?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    What do women think about fat men?

    That's what I wanna know.I would freely admit that I am a fat guy(6 3 300 lbs) and this question has been on my mind for a while so, I finally decided to ask you "love doctors" out there your opinion on this.
    Over the last couple of months I've been getting lots of attention from women for the first time in my life but what exactly they want from me I don't know.I consider myself an average looking guy and not only that I am an average looking fat guy.I would say I have a big nose,yellow cofee stained teeth and I am surely not the smoothest guy around with the ladies,I dress decently but not great like say Will Smith and I am a nice guy trying to lose my nice guy persona so I don't see what any woman would see in me.I just don't understand what has happened to me recently.My female friends have started respecting me more and calling me names like honey,teddy bear and saying I look sexy,strange women are more friendly to me than they ever were doing things like smiling with me and talking to me without me saying anything to them and sometimes even flirting with me.Having said all of that there are also a lot of things that have been said to me that have left me confused.My boys and other people have said things like women don't really like fat guys,women calling me teddy bear means they think I'm a harmless wuss,women won't have sex with me but they only wanna cuddle with me.I'd really like to hear from you experts about what you think is going on here.

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    Well, I think the answers you get will be in large part indicative of the age of the person responding. As women get a bit older, they begin to look past trivial things and look more at the quality of the person. Obviously, this is not ALL women, but for many of them, this is the case. What one considers "attractive" evolves with age.

    And, yes, I HAVE been attracted to a large man - larger than you. He was such an intelligent, lovely, kind man!
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #3
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    I'm 21 and virtually all of the women that I deal with are in the 17-25 age range.Thanks for the response BTW.

  4. #4
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    Well, with a 6'3" height, your not really THAT fat. Don't worry really though, women don't like really skinny guys (except 8ithes) and as guys don't really like skinny women, (except wierd guys, a55hole guys just don't care) they like plumpish women, and men, unlike women, (my following comment may be sexist, but I just observe, this isn't necessarilly my opinion) don't get so ugly if they're fat, they can still retain that beauty, because for guys, it's in the bone structure and the facial expression. Women would always go for fat guys, it's not too big a factor for most women. Exuse me being blunt right here, but that's why brothels are female only, if there were male brothels, there would be almost no people signing up due to the massive amount of like 500 pound women going there, and for women, fat shows more than it does on men. In the end, don't sweat it, just make sure your healthy enough so your weight dosn't give you health issues, and you'll still go out with women. ^_^

    P.S. - You heard this millions of times, but, whatever, I can still try... If ya' wanna lose weight, start eating only breakfast, lunch, and dinner, NO SNACKS AT ALL!!! Then when you can do that easily, only breakfast and dinner, since midday is often the bussiest time, then maybe have only breakfast and lunch, and a snack for dinner, a small snack. Maybe your sick of these diet plans, but I did this myself, I don't think anyone made this diet public or anything.

    P.P.S. - That was a LONG P.S.

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  5. #5
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    I'm not a pro on men's looks but I really don't think 6'3 300lbs is all that fat either.

    Everybody (both men and women) have their type. I'm 6' 180lbs and some women consider me too skinny. Other's stick their phone number in my pocket at clubs and others wouldn't be with me if I were walking through a womens prison with a handfull of pardons.

    All a matter of taste, there's someone out there for everybody. Chin up!

  6. #6
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    May 2004
    Don't follow Ekips' advice to lose weight. He means well, but it may actually cause you to store more fat. Try eating smaller (keyword: smaller), more frequent meals to boost your metabolism. Strive for 6-8 meals a day. Adding protein and spices to your diet will induce a thermogenic effect. You can also drink green tea, which has plenty of anti-oxidants.

    It sounds to me like you aren't doing anything to change your weight. Women will continue to see you as fat. That's just human nature. Some women may look past your looks and get to know your personality. However, realize they are not obligated to. I'm tired of people saying "looks don't matter." It's hard to be intimate with someone you are not physically attracted to. I suggest you try losing weight. You sound like a good person. If you work on your appearance, I think you can be successful with women.

  7. #7
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    I like skinny girls but what ever.
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  8. #8
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    you shouldn't attempted to slim down just because of love but in the other hand you should slim down because of ur health...now don't ever skip meal, eat low-fat meal and go regularly exercise...one day you will find a girl who like you because of ur inside not ur outside...if girl that mind ur outside, they are usually those you will ditch you after few month...good luck...

  9. #9
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    You're young, if you're not happy with your weight, lose it. And do what Neo said, more small meals thruout the day.

  10. #10
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    personally, i prefer chubby men than skinny men...mmm...i dont mean to say "fat" tho...hehe..but i suggest u should go on diet. nothing drastic...u just have to eat healthier meal and do more exercise (okay...u might've heard it milliion times) but...have u actually done it???? hmmm....dont think so, right?

    do this lose weight-program thing for ur own good. dont do it because u simply want a girl. do it because it will boost ur confidence, and surely this confidence will shine on u. (not enough? read: women will notice!) there u go....what r u waiting for? hit the gym, and choose foods to be stuffed in ur mouth WISELY.

    come back here in few months time, and tell me the good news! i bet u'll be all happy

  11. #11
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole
    Don't follow Ekips' advice to lose weight. He means well, but it may actually cause you to store more fat. Try eating smaller (keyword: smaller), more frequent meals to boost your metabolism. Strive for 6-8 meals a day. Adding protein and spices to your diet will induce a thermogenic effect. You can also drink green tea, which has plenty of anti-oxidants.

    It sounds to me like you aren't doing anything to change your weight. Women will continue to see you as fat. That's just human nature. Some women may look past your looks and get to know your personality. However, realize they are not obligated to. I'm tired of people saying "looks don't matter." It's hard to be intimate with someone you are not physically attracted to. I suggest you try losing weight. You sound like a good person. If you work on your appearance, I think you can be successful with women.
    Yes, this + excercising regularly if you want to get serious about your phsyical appearance.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2006
    Well my friend is kinda fat, but hes a really great guy with taste for fashion and guess what... he has a girlfriend and i must say shes hot. i, myself find it hard to get girls to like me, im skinny... thats why ive started at the gym and ive started eating 6-8 meals a day. I got alot of female friends but i cant seem to get any further than friendship with them, but now ive met a new girl and we went on a date, and shes still talking to me... so thats good i guess.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2006
    It's not the same with guys as it is with girls, even when guys are overweight, no-one really cares, infact, it's more socialy exseptable to be a 300lb fatguy then a 130lb stick figure.. Because guys think and act differantly then women, so it applies to our standards..

    Trust me, the person that notices your weight most is you, not other people.. most people could really care less, sept for assholes ofcourse, but if it wasn't that, they'd just find something else to be a bastard about.. it's partof thier character..

    Like my friend Pete, he thinks just cause he's fat and has the face of a dog he can't get a girlfriend, I see women date ugly guys all the time, way fatter and way uglier then him, probably not as nice as him either, so what's the secret?

    Attitude. Women use thier charm and wit to subdue a man, men use thier attitude, it's more or less the same thing, but done in a differant way..

    I think Pete's biggest problem is not his weight, his looks, or even his personality, I think it's the fact that he does drugs and isn't willing to do something about it.. I swear, sometimes the smartest people do the stupidest things..

  14. #14
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    apparently on some distant planet
    You want to know what women think? Who cares.

    Go sign up for a local gym and brush your teeth, or get a teeth whitener which is really good. I've used it once because I got lazy brushing teeth, but its important.

    Dude, you're 21 FFS! You're 6 years older than me, which isn't that high. You practically just starting your life, so start making the best of it, by starting to change your image, or you'll regret it.
    I started working out, its great. Gives self-esteem and makes me better looking.

    Take NeoSeminole's advice He's good with this diet thing, he takes classes.
    Last edited by Lynx3; 27-03-06 at 01:35 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I don't really like fat boys especially with nasty teeth and so on..

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