Met a man two months ago and instantly felt in love. He concerned ne when he said, "you just came out of nowhere.." I think we met at atime of him having serious personal issuies, deciding to move back to his hometown, just moved to town 8 months ago, has cocaine party problems and doesn't have car.,,I am a pop princess local celebrity with my life set. He adored and was mad about me but said until I qanyes to make it official. Yet he encouraged me to try... He was always busy.. After that he pulled away....I told him I would be comfortable knowing we could see other ppl but he didn't like him. Then after a week again of minimal messaging he says, "I need a little time k? I really like you. My head is just all over the place at the moment. I openly agreed to give him time but without boundaries.. Like was I allow to date othe guys? Would I Ever see him again? Anyways the uncertainty killed ne and I bombarded him with emotional enaila confessing my connection to him. And finally he responded "think you're a fantastic girl and I really like you a lot but I feel like I'll just hurt you if I commit to a relationship as it takes work." ... Again, he just couldn't just let me go. Is that a break up? Or does he need time? Because im confused as and no waiting for months here. That week I bombarded him with messages that we showing hot and cold emotionally a wreck and until he said "can you stop with this bull shit even for a day!? Talk later. Take care. Wtf?! Talk later? Take care?? Ffinally I sent him a letter explaining how much I likes him and in order for me to give him the time he needs I need to let him go and when he's ready he can phone me. So I blocked him on Facebook to protect my actions...then a couple days later said id rather be your friend than nothing at all. He did not accept my friendship request and I aaid "ok ok I get it.. I will leave you alone. I promise. I like you. If ever you want to talk, you have my number. Chin up buttercup. "unfriended him to give him the spave he needed. I couldn't bear to know what he's up to as it breaks my heart WjHile he's going through things and he's pushing me away.... Anyways, Does he really need time? Or will I hear from him once his stuff settles? One friend said he is just trying to get his shot in order to be the boyfriend you serve because the chemistry was there... But I think he thinks I'm crazy now so we'll see... Thoughts? He never once said I'll never see you again but he didn't accept my friend request and hasn't messaged me since. WTh please help me.. I'm falling into depression again..