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Thread: Help pls

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Help pls

    I was in a relationship for 8 years had to baby girls with my ex, to cut a long story short she became abusive to my children so I left her the social got involved and 2 years later the children are now in my sole care, during this time I met a girl which I will call c, she rocked my world, after time I introduced her to my girls who also fell in love with her, for 1 &1/2 years we had an amazing relationship,we were together 2 years in the last few months of our relationship things changed, she became less interested in me and my girls, she made me feel unwanted, I ended the relationship as I didn't feel it would go any further and after what my children had been through I only wanted what was best for them... I completely understand it's not easy entering a relationship with step children specially after all the crap my ex put us through, After we split we stayed in contact, I felt really down, I thought she was the one...... During the time of our split my my step cousin e found out her future husband had been cheating on her, she left him and was distraught, we have always been there for eachother, one night we ended up getting close to each other, it wasn't meant to happen it just did, we both have very strong feelings for each other and get on like a house on fire, it feels so wrong but so right, I mean we aren't blood related but still feels a little weird, any way c has been trying really hard to work things out with me, my children call her mummy c, I still have feeling for c and am gutted she changed like she did as I thought she was my happy ever after, I'm madly in love with e but can't commit cause I still have feelings for c! Is it possible to love 2 people!! My heads a mess I really don't know what to do, take another chance with c and lose e forever without even given it a proper chance? She could be the one! Or get with e and forget about c, I hope this makes sense to you guys any advice would be gratefully received

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016
    With c it's a deep love, stability.....e is just pure lust brought on by the raw emotions left over from the breakup....do you understand what I am saying? e is a rebound relationship. In time those feelings will fizzle out. Please look up rebound relationships.

    As for c, you both should go to couples counseling to work things out.

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