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Thread: what's this girl thinking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    what's this girl thinking

    This is somewhat of a long story, but I tried to only keep the important details and I hope someone can help me out. Pretty much I'm trying to figure out if this girl is interested in a possible relationship, or if she just thinks of me as a really cool guy friend. If you don't like to read a lot, read the paragraphs marked with an asterisk, including the end.

    I've known this girl for a few years now, but it's only been a few months now since we started talking. It started with a big Halloween party our friend was having. She and her boyfriend were there, and of course I didn't want to interfere. But I couldn't help but notice that she seemed to be paying a lot of attention to me, taking pictures and such. So I started having little conversations over the internet, just to get to know her well. She was at every party, and I always felt good vibes, and made a point to be somewhat flirty.
    * One night her boyfriend left the party, and towards the end I sat next to her on the couch, and we were looking at pictures together, laughing and just hanging out. She started to lean on me, more and more, eventually even putting her head on my lap for a little bit. So naturally I cuddled back, and we pretty much stayed up late talking until she eventually fell asleep on me.
    That was a while ago, we never talked about it, I figured I'd play it off like it was no big deal. Eventually we started talking over emails more, and she gave me her number without me even mentioning it. We would text a here and there, and she said she likes our chats.
    *Fast forward a couple months, we still talk and I try to stay as far out of the friend zone as possible, because I've made that mistake before. We've hung with just me and her before, and I sang her some songs with the guitar, receiving a hug on departure multiple times. Once she even texted me asking if I wanted to go get coffee with her. I politely declined, but next time I saw her my friend offered some coffee at his house, and she said she didn't really like coffee. There have been some other signs of interest, like catching her staring at me, subtle contact, etc.

    *I know she has a boyfriend, but she tells my friend that some days she wants to break up, other days she loves him. He lives a couple hours away, and only manages to see her every one or two weeks. I figured I would stop any little messages going on and just wait it out. However after like a week or so of not making any contact, she'll say something out of the blue. Here are some examples of things that have happened that can be signs of interest or plain old friend zone instances:

    random videos posted on my wall on facebook, more than one a week. (this one is odd, as she doesn't really do this to anyone else)

    She asked if I liked a certain band, as we share similar music interests. I listened to them and said I liked them. She then said that they are playing and she wanted me to go with her. I asked if her boyfriend was going and she said yes, but with one of his friends, who she doesn't particularly like. She said she didn't want to meet up with them for this reason. Then saying it would be a much better trip if I went.

    "Yes or No?" as the body in an email. (Come to find out, she was using me as a magic eight ball to find out if she should check out an apartment. Why wouldn't she ask her boyfriend about life changing decisions?)

    excessive compliments on my songs and art. she is a far better artist than me, but said it would be fun to make pottery sometime because of I'm a "creative genius."

    she has been the first to text in certain situations. Like after talking to her at night, she may text me the following afternoon asking more about a certain topic. I just feel like she's thinking about me a lot.

    To my knowledge she thinks I'm funny, attractive, and fun. But I really really really don't want to get the wrong idea, and end up with a broken heart. I think I'm doing all the right moves, not seeming too desperate or clingy, staying away from topics about her boyfriend (this was my pitfall with the last girl, I was her brotherly shoulder to cry on) and trying to seem exciting and fun, because I am. She has never made any mention of us being "good friends" or anything, which I think is good, I feel like there is some possible sexual tension.

    please help me out, what on earth is her intentions? and how should I handle it?
    Last edited by OhSuzy; 04-02-10 at 08:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Don’t know what it is with some men when they know from the start that the women they are talking to is in a committed relationship yet they still engage in inappropriate talk not only on the web but on the phone. Even if the woman starts the chatting the man (weasel) should have the respect not... to pursue such inappropriate behavior. I am not saying that the woman is not in the wrong also. Just that the man (weasel) is just as wrong for not respecting the other mans relationship. Maybe my dad just raised me right.

    Not judging you man just my 2 cents.
    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I completely agree, I thought her guy was a dick before, but I have come to realize that I should lay off. I had planned on making some sort of move, but then thought about it a lot and decided that I would hate it if somebody did that to me.

    At the same time I'd like to not burn the bridges for any future possibilities of a relationship. Nothing will change if I find out she completely wants me, I don't want to end someone's relationship prematurely.

    What is this inappropriate talk you speak of? I will assume you are judging me considering you didn't even answer my question and instead went off on something I didn't even say I was going to do.

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