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Thread: Bliss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    So yesterday night I was at a friend's birthday party and sometime during the night I danced with this girl, after which we went to the refreshment area of the bar and relaxed with some water. We started talking and hanging out for the remainder of the night.

    This girl was AMAZING! Smart, beautiful, energetic, funny, and apparently through a surprise chance (her talking with her friend) I found out she was interested in some of the same hobbies as me that not a lot of girls are.

    By the end of the night (4am ish), I dropped her off on the street car, we exchanged numbers, and I told her to call me when she gets home with her sis since it was late at night. An hour later she calls that she got home safely and we talk until 6:30am.

    Dating is really not my mastered scene so I REALLY don't know what to do now and this is where i need advice. One of my friends is telling me that i should sort of wait awhile (days to a couple weeks) before calling her and another is saying to call her! I don't know. Its been killing me for the last 3 hours! I want to start something with her like NOW or yea without waiting so long...

    Advice Please? Help a fellow forumer out

    P.S: we are both 20 lol a useless fact but :p

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the wastelands between insomnia and clarevoiance
    You two reallly seemed as though you hit it off. I would personally probably try and call her tomorrow, and arrange a date. I would not wait a couple weeks. I think that that is probably a bad decision.
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Charity is gay.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    On a trawler in the Med
    He who hesitates is lost...then again, move too quickly, and you risk scaring her off.

    On the other hand, you can take my approach and give up before anything happens Yes, I've perfected "the move"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Don't wait too long to call her. This is an art that is lost on a lot of people and you should be aware that the length of time you let pass before you call sends a message to her. If you call her the very next day, you seem overly-eager. Sometimes that can be a good thing, but only if you had an amazingly strong connection and you know she's going to want to see you again immediately.

    Calling her on the second day is flattering and shows confidence- I think this is ideal. If you call and have to leave a message, wait two more days before calling back if she doesn't return your call.

    Waiting three days shows that you're interested, but playing it cool.

    Waiting four days is pushing it. It's "putting her in her place" before you've even had a chance to get to know her, and that should be a red flag to her that you've got some issues with girls and control.

    In my opinion, if you wait more than four days to call her, you've sent a clear message that you're not really interested in her and she shouldn't expect much. Don't be surprised if she's cold by then.
    Spammer Spanker

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