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Thread: Weird situation...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Weird situation...

    Ok ill try and keep this short but it'll probably drag on...

    I'm 19 and I've known a 20 year old chick for months now. We have grown closer and closer. She calls me pretty much every day. I've known she had a boyfriend for all the time I knew her. However, she seemed to drop hints all the time about me and her...I wont go into them but anyway...

    Eventually, months later..Somehow on the phone she tells me how she feels about me. You know...telling me her feelings, but she said she is madly in love with her boyfriend. So I accepted this and still stayed as her friend though. But then hours later, she is calling me and crying n stuff saying her boyfriend has left her and for good this time...I didnt have a clue what to say but I did what I could. Instead of trying to make a move like an idiot would I told her to give it time with him, but she said nah shes done.

    Anyway, funny thing is 3 days later she seems over him, regardless if its an act or not she didn't mention him once to me when we talked...Which was all she could talk about just after she broke up. She said to me though, that im "Something else" and she can't believe how I haven't just avoided her due to her having a boyfriend as she thought she was messing me around or something. So recently, she called me and was all like "Hey babes" I ask her how shes doing, and shes fine....So im like ok..The conversation we had went on for a while, she was talking about past relationships, asking me about mine. She was even talking about how it would be if we lived together, example : How my friends would treat her or if they would like her, etc. She was also very flirty with me too...But I wont go into that lol...anyways I had to go and she text me in the morning saying she "Misses me" and also later on text me saying "I love you " .

    Now you might think all the signs are so obvious, but im not asking you if she likes me, Im asking, do you think she has sort of jump started a "romantic" relationship with me? Maybe she thinks its all in place and their is no need with the whole "asking out" thing...? Or is she just treating me like her best friend or something? Complicated...Also, She admits she is jealous about girls I chill with and know...Even when she was with her boyfriend. And by the way, When she says stuff like "I love you" through a text, Its hard to interpret it as a "Friend love" or the real thing..lol
    Last edited by 801801; 12-08-09 at 01:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In my seat at home or at a computer in school
    I had a similar situation, but the girl I was with didn't have a happy relationship with her boyfriend. Same thing, she drops hint we flirt then one day she broke up with her boyfriend and we got together.
    We recently broke up and the way she treated the break up made it seem like I was a rebound. I asked my cousin and she told me I was most likely am a rebound, maybe the guy to pull her out the unhappy relationship she was in.
    Just because I find your situation similar, but with only the your girl loving her boyfriend but my ex didn't love her boyfriend being the only difference, I would guess she's using you as a rebound. ONLY because thats what I was told and what I feel like from my own experience.

    Don't take mine word for word, other people might think differently.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    the floating island in my imagination
    i don't know if she's using you for a rebound , but she's def using you. she seems flaky and insincere, i'd recommend staying away from her.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Seattle WA
    she shouldn't be saying she misses you and txting you she loves you. It does not take anyone 3 days to get over a serious relationship. I also don't like how she was telling you her feelings of you when she was so 'madly' in love with someone else. And she's already jealous of girls you hang out with? You're asking for trouble if you commit to this girl. I don't know if shes using you to ease her pain or trying to make her ex jealous but if you get involved you're begging for fights and drama 6_9 Is she worth it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    You're being used.

    Either to fill an emotional gap inside her she's unable to fill herself, or to get over her ex, or for other possible reasons. Plus she's jealous. That's another red flag.

    I would be very carefull. She sounds like an emotional immature parasite.

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