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Thread: does my ex wanna come back?

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    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    does my ex wanna come back?


    i'm 17 years old, and my ex-grifriend is 16. we broke up about 2 months ago after 1,5 years having a relationship. she broke-up with me cause she didn't love me anymore, wanted freedom, hanging out with her friends and beacuse we had too many fights. but she wanted to be friends...
    the first week went great, just talking to eachother, sitting next to eachother and sometimes she wanted to hugh and that kined of stuff. but i was not comfi with that, cause i was still in love. so i told her that i wanted distance, cause i was not ready to be just a friend of her. first she reacted mad, and that i was just making a big issue. She refers to our relationship, that i was the one that makes the issues, and now that we are broke-up, that i was still making them.
    then she talked with her friend, and all of a sunddent she respectet my dicision.
    but the very next day, she still wanted to sit next to me etc.
    now it comes...
    on the saturday, i was drunk, flirting with other girls. when she came into the same place, she ignored me:S i dont know why. so i asked her: he, liek!(thats her name) come here. she said to me: no, u are drunk and i want a fun night and i am with my friend. i didnt understand this, cause i though she wanted to act normal to me... but she didnt even say HI!
    she told to her friend that she wanted to take distance of me.... do U get it? i though that i told to her that a few days ago?!

    so the next week she ignored me... and than, i saw her the next saterday, in the club. she kissed another guy. so i went crazy(not good) and said that she was disrepecting me. she said: sorry about that, i know u dont like it. but i dont have any regret kissing him. I said: no u are not sorry. u dont care. she said: i do care, but i saw u with antoher girl dancin, so i though: why should i worry about u?

    i didnt understand her. she also told to her friends as reason: yeah, i heard people were saying that he was gonna kiss somebody... NOT TRUE!!! she was just making fake reasons.

    so the vacation came, i didnt saw her for 1 month, and than all of a suddent, she text me on the 16th, the day of the beginning of our relationship: he! u wanna have your cloths back? let me know. x
    i just react normal: no, dont need them anymore.

    but i dont understand, she knows those cloths i have left @ her place, were too small for me. she sleeps in it!
    i was getting over her, but since the text i've been thinking about her all the time. so i text her the other day:

    ME:he ....! i'm in bed thinking about us, how it was. and i dont like how it now is, and the way we treating eachother too.

    (after 10 min)
    SHE:thats true, maybe we should discus it so we get a fresh niuew start, a good one. dont think about it, it just gonna be fine.

    (next day in morning)
    ME:he! i'm glad to wake up and see a tect of u. seems like a good idea. thinking about it, do u? x

    (2days later, @ 2 in de night)
    she:he, little bit late reaction but i dont think about it all the time, i just dont like the ingnorig. x

    first i gave her not a x, she gave not a x back, and then i did, she did too
    so, do u girls get it? she started ignoring, and now she said: yeah, dont like the ignoring too! what the hell:p what do u girls think, does my ex wanna come back? still have feelings?
    i'm gonna to a house with 13 friends, withouparents next weekend. and she is coming too. 6 girls, 7 boys. so do u think she want to talk then? and are we coming bakc?

    thx for reading, sorry for bad english, i am from holland and only 17
    Last edited by dimas; 14-08-09 at 07:39 PM.

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