Hey all - I'll get right to the point. I'm a 22 year gay male, haven't had much luck with relationships but I met someone I really fell in love with. The thing is it's long distance relationship. I live in the US and they live in Canada. We try to visit as much as possible and we talk every day, Skype included. We've been together about 11 months now, my longest relationship, but tonight while talking to him I found out weird information.

Basically I found out that he has been going on video camming websites where people engage in sexual activities with each other. Sort of like Chat Rolette. I asked him but he lied and said he hadn't gone on, then I pushed a little further and after evading the question a couple of times he finally admitted to going on, the last time being the end of May. He apologized a lot, told me he loves me, and he said he didn't think anything of it and to him it's the equivalent of porn and he didn't mean to hurt me. He said he wouldn't mind if I did it either.... I told him how I thought it was a little sketchy how he does this, how I kind of considered it cheating and he said it's more, to him, like exhibitionism than sex, and he said he wouldn't do it anymore. He's really a great person, but I don't know, I feel really weird about this. I know it's sort of what I get for prying in on his life, and some may argue it's not a big deal, that it's just like porn ... but is it? I'm seeing it from both sides of the spectrum - on one end it's nothing, it's all virtual and it's just a fantasy and there's no emotion involved, and on the other hand he's still doing stuff with some other person, the only difference is it's over a computer screen....

I just feel really uncomfortable about this. Does anyone have any opinions or advice? Thank you.